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Why shouldn't local law enforcement agencies assist ICE?


Why shouldn’t local law enforcement agencies assist their law enforcement colleagues at the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE)?


Immigration enforcement is a federal function. Local law enforcement agencies are concerned with policing our communities. Immigration enforcement is not a function carried out by local law enforcement agencies.

When undocumented immigrants fear that local police are acting as ICE agents who can initiate deportation, they are reluctant to make contact with the police. They are reluctant to report crimes and suspected crimes to the police, and they are reluctant to come forth as witnesses to crimes.

More than 500 state and local governments across the U.S. recognize this problem.

When members of the community are reluctant to contact the police, the police have a more difficult time fighting crime. That makes our communities less safe for everyone.


Local law enforcement agencies should assist ICE as required by law. They should not provide additional assistance to ICE, beyond what is required by law, because this will interfere with their ability to police local communities.