
Frequently Asked Questions

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Why shouldn't Hawai`i comply with federal law?


The federal government is following the law in trying to remove illegal aliens. Why should the State refuse to comply with federal law?


Immigration and the enforcement of immigration law is a federal function, not a state function. State and county law enforcement agents, such as the sheriff or the local police, are not legally required to enforce immigration law.

The State of Hawai`i and its counties receive no federal funds to support federal immigration programs.

Yet President Trump wants states and their local governments to help federal immigration agencies, such as the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE). For example, Trump wants local police to act as ICE agents to help identify and deport all undocumented immigrants.


Hawai`i is following the law. Importantly, Hawai`i will continue to follow the law if it enacts a sanctuary law, such as the Ho`okipa bill introduced during the 2018 legislative session.