Changing Patterns of Firewood Use on the
Waim¯analo Plain
Preprint to appear in Hawaiian Archaeology. Not for citation.
Thomas S. Dye Carl E. Sholin
February 9, 2013
Wood charcoal identifications from 35 dated traditional Hawaiian fire-pits on the
Waim¯analo Plain are analyzed for evidence of change over time and difference across
space. Plant taxa identified in the firewood are classified according to habit, origin,
and elevational distribution. Early in traditional Hawaiian times, firewood was
commonly brought to the plain from inland forests and fires were made primarily
with native plants. Later, firewood was more likely to be collected locally, and it
typically included both Polynesian-introduced and native plants. This change in
behavior appears to have taken place in the fifteenth century. It was likely associated
with a vegetational change in which the native lowland forest was replaced with a
variety of useful plants, especially near Puh¯a Stream.
1 Introduction
Wood charcoal is ubiquitous in the archaeological record of traditional Hawai‘i. It occurs
as pieces of various sizes in the general matrix of almost all cultural deposits, where
it is largely responsible for their diagnostic dark color. Most of the charcoal pieces
in the general matrix are too small to be confidently isolated by eye or identified to
taxon microscopically, but most deposits contain some larger pieces of wood charcoal
in the general matrix that can be isolated and identified to taxon. This exercise is
not particularly useful, however, because the event that produced a piece of wood
charcoal deposited in the general matrix typically can’t be identified. More useful for
archaeological analysis is the wood charcoal recovered from features, such as fire-pits, that
can be confidently identified as archaeological events. Not only are certain behavioral
The archaeological work at Bellows AFS reported here was made possible by federal archaeologists and
resource specialists Fred McGhee, Valerie Curtis, Jeff Pantaleo, Kanalei Shun, Nhut Dao, and Craig
Gorsuch. We thank them for their long-term support of our research. Review comments from Mike
Desilets and Mara Mulrooney helped improve the argument. Any errors of fact or interpretation are
the authors’.
inferences relatively straightforward because the identified taxa are associated with a
particular event, rather than a long-term process, but the event itself can be located
precisely in space, and pieces identified as short-lived are suitable for dating with the
C method so the age of the archaeological event can typically be estimated with some
The analysis presented here is based on wood charcoal identifications from 35 fire-pits
excavated over the last 15 years from four sites on the Waim¯analo Plain. The wood
charcoal in the fire-pits was initially identified so that suitable dating material could be
selected (Dye and Pantaleo 2010). In addition to their use in dating, the wood charcoal
identifications from the fire-pits are useful as a basis for inferences about changing
patterns of behavior in traditional Hawai‘i. This focus on changing behavior differs
from much of the recent literature on what has come to be called anthracology, which is
primarily concerned with palaeoenvironmental investigation and using wood charcoal
to reconstruct vegetation patterns at different times in the past (Scott and Damblon
2010; Allen and Murakami 1999; Huebert et al. 2010; Orliac 2000). The synchronic
palaeoenvironmental goal of much anthracological work has led researchers to develop
methods different from those used on the Waim¯analo Plain (Th´ery-Parisot et al. 2010).
Where anthracologists often collect charcoal from the general matrix in the hope of
minimizing the effect of cultural selection (e.g., Orliac 2000), the work reported here uses
only wood from short-term burning events because it emphasizes cultural selection at
a particular point in time. Where anthracologists worry about the combustion process
preserving woods differentially and distorting their representation in the assemblage (e.g.,
Huebert et al. 2010), the work reported here assumes that the combustion properties of
the different kinds of firewood remained constant over the period of investigation, so that
changes over time in the representation of a firewood taxon is indicative of behavioral
changes rather than changes in the combustion qualities of wood.
The analysis of the wood charcoal from the fire-pits is carried out within the framework
of a cognitive model for artifact analysis that divides the analytic process into three
stages, named acquisition, structuration, and reconstitution (Djindjian 2001).
2 Acquisition of Materials
In the first stage of the analysis, the fundamental qualities inherent in the object of study
are acquired. These fundamental qualities are what they are, regardless of what or how
we think about them. They are the basic data, reported in the finest possible units of
identification, location, and age so that others might find them maximally useful. Here,
these fundamental qualities include the analyzed fire-pits, the wood charcoal identified
from each of the fire-pits, and the conventional
C ages of the fire-pit use events.
The 35 dated fire-pits for which detailed wood charcoal identifications have been carried
out were discovered over the last decade and a half during archaeological monitoring of
construction excavations, subsurface inventory survey with a backhoe, and controlled
archaeological data recovery excavations (table 1), all carried out in the context of
cultural resources management at Bellows Air Force Station. Fire-pits discovered during
monitoring and inventory survey with a backhoe are typically recovered by excavating
into the face of an open trench. In contrast, fire-pits discovered during data recovery are
typically recognized at the base of a cultural deposit where their dark color contrasts
strongly with the light-colored calcareous sand that represents the basal deposit of sites
on the Waim¯analo Plain. Typically, the entire plan of the fire-pit is exposed before
materials are collected from it. In both cases, where the fire-pit is excavated out of the
side wall of a trench and where it is excavated in plan, only a portion of the fire-pit fill
is recovered. During archaeological monitoring and inventory survey with a backhoe
a portion of the fire-pit is destroyed in the discovery process and in the case of data
recovery excavations the top of the fire-pit is typically indistinguishable from the general
cultural deposit and material is only recovered from the base of the fire-pit that extends
below the general cultural deposit.
The analyzed fire-pits are all located on land used today for Bellows Air Force Station
at the northern end of the Waim¯analo Plain (fig. 1). Nineteen of the fire-pits were
discovered in Sites 50–80–15–4851 and –4853, which flank Puh¯a (Waim¯analo) Stream.
The other 16 fire-pits were discovered at Sites 50–80–15–4856 and –4857 at the very
northern end of the plain about 1.2 km from the stream. All of the analyzed fire-pits
are located inland of the deepest and richest cultural deposits on the plain (see Dye and
Pantaleo 2010:fig. 2). The reason for this is that the deep and rich coastal deposits were
typically reworked so thoroughly by traditional Hawaiian habitation activities that it
is difficult to identify and isolate charcoal associated with particular fire-pit use events
(McElroy et al. 2006). Thus, the 35 analyzed fire-pits might yield an incomplete picture
of traditional Hawaiian settlement on the Waim¯analo Plain, one that focuses on events
removed a short distance inland from the coastal settlement core immediately inland of
the beach.
The wood charcoal from the fire-pits was identified by Gail Murakami at the Interna-
tional Archaeological Research Institute’s Wood Identification Laboratory. Murakami
identified wood charcoal pieces to taxon by comparing anatomical characteristics pre-
served in the charcoal with a reference collection of Hawaiian woods. Identified wood
charcoal from each of the fire-pits is listed in the appendix. The sizes of the charcoal
samples from the fire-pits varied considerably. The number of identified specimens ranges
from 19 at fire-pit 900 2 to 3,049 at fire-pit 900 16, with a median of 121. Weights of
identified specimens ranges from 0.29 g (gram) at fire-pit 900 21 to 93.85 g at fire-pit
900 16, with a median of 4.18 g. The richness of the samples varied, as well, from the
single taxon identified at fire-pit 900 1 to the 24 taxa identified at fire-pit 900 18. Eight
taxa were identified in the sample with median richness.
The number of specimens identified for each taxon ranges from 2 to 4,463. The most
commonly identified taxon, by far, is kukui, A. moluccana, which typically appears in the
fire-pits as charred nutshells but also as wood charcoal. One reason for the large number
of identified specimens is that the nutshell is distinctive and easily identified. If it is
present in a sample, then it is certainly identified and counted. However, the main reason
for the large number of identified kukui specimens is fire-pit 900 16 (table 1), a feature
that yielded an unusual charcoal collection in which 2,988 kukui nutshell pieces were
identified. Next in abundance are three native plants probably used as kindling, ‘ilima,
Table 1: Dated fire-pits on the Waim¯analo Plain
Label Site Feature Reference
119 7 50–80–15–4857 Context 7 fire-pit Dye and Dye (2009)
119 16 50–80–15–4857 Context 16 fire-pit Dye and Dye (2009)
273 58 50–80–15–4856 Context 58 fire-pit Sholin et al. (2012)
308 159 50–80–15–4856 Context 89 fire-pit Dye et al. (2012)
308 163 50–80–15–4856 Context 99 fire-pit Dye et al. (2012)
308 175 50–80–15–4856 Context 95 fire-pit Dye et al. (2012)
308 180 50–80–15–4856 Context 93 fire-pit Dye et al. (2012)
900 1 50–80–11–4856 Feature 12 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 2 50–80–11–4856 Feature 17 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 3 50–80–11–4856 Feature 10 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 4 50–80–11–4856 Feature 5 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 5 50–80–11–4856 Feature 9 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 6 50–80–11–4856 Feature 4 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 7 50–80–11–4856 Feature 23 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 8 50–80–11–4856 Feature 22 Lebo et al. (2009)
900 9 50–80–15–4853 Feature 1 Desilets and Dye (2002:111)
900 10 50–80–15–4853 Feature 5 Desilets and Dye (2002:162)
900 11 50–80–15–4853 Feature 9 Desilets and Dye (2002:166)
900 12 50–80–15–4853 Feature 13 Desilets and Dye (2002:133)
900 13 50–80–15–4853 Feature 15 Desilets and Dye (2002:137)
900 14 50–80–15–4853 Feature 16 Desilets and Dye (2002:138)
900 15 50–80–15–4853 Feature 17 Desilets and Dye (2002:140)
900 16 50–80–15–4853 Feature 18 Desilets and Dye (2002:142)
900 17 50–80–15–4853 Feature 19 Desilets and Dye (2002:144)
900 18 50–80–15–4853 Feature 20 Desilets and Dye (2002:122)
900 19 50–80–15–4853 Feature 24 Desilets and Dye (2002:99)
900 20 50–80–15–4853 Feature 25 Desilets and Dye (2002:101)
900 21 50–80–15–4853 Unit BT-5, Feature 6 Addison (1997)
900 22 50–80–15–4853 Unit BT-23, Feature 9 Addison (1997)
900 23 50–80–15–4853 Unit BT-23, Feature 10 Addison (1997)
900 25 50–80–15–4853 Trench 5, Feature 1 Dye (1998)
900 26 50–80–15–4851 Trench 4, Feature 3 Dye (1998)
900 27 50–80–15–4851 Trench 4, Feature 2 Dye (1998)
900 28 50–80–15–4851 Trench 4, Feature 1 Dye (1998)
900 29 50–80–11–4856 Feature 22 Putzi and Dye (2005)
‘akoko, and ‘¯ulei. The identified ki consists of wood charcoal and charred roots, the latter
of which might be remains of food prepared in the fire-pit rather than a firewood. The
most common firewoods are ‘¯ohi‘a ‘ai, a Polynesian introduction, and five native trees:
hame, hao, lama, hau, and ‘¯ohi‘a lehua.
Table 2: Summary of identified wood charcoal taxa
Taxon Name Habit Origin Low range
Aleurites moluccana kukui tree
1 4463
unidentified ? ? 0 907
Continued on next page
Table 2: Summary of identified wood charcoal taxa
Taxon Name Habit Origin Low range
Sida fallax ‘ilima shrub native 1 708
Monocotyledonae ? ? nil 612
Chamaesyce sp. ‘akoko shrub-tree native 1 554
Osteomeles anthyllidifolia ‘¯ulei shrub native 2 258
Cordyline fruticosa ki shrub
5 234
Syzygium malaccense ‘¯ohi‘a ‘ai tree
200 229
Antidesma pulvinatum hame tree native 30 224
Rauvolfia sandwicensis hao tree native 100 204
Diospyros sandwicensis lama tree native 5 197
Chenopodium oahuense ‘¯aheahea shrub-tree native 1 195
Hibiscus tiliaceus hau shrub-tree native 1 176
Metrosideros polymorpha ‘¯ohi‘a lehua tree native 1 100
Abutilon sp. shrub native 1 98
Bobea sp. ‘ahakea tree native 100 85
Colubrina oppositifolia kauila tree native 240 80
Canthium odoratum alahe‘e shrub-tree native 10 73
Bidens sp. ko‘oko‘olau shrub native 1 70
Dodonaea viscosa ‘a‘ali‘i shrub-tree native 3 69
Poaceae grass ? nil 50
Artocarpus altilis ‘ulu tree
0 48
Hedyotis terminalis manono shrub-tree native 260 46
Saccharum officinarum o grass
0 34
Nestegis sandwicensis olopua tree native 30 33
Acacia koa koa tree native 60 29
Nothocestrum latifolium ‘aiea tree native 460 27
latin{Gossypium tomentosum} ma‘o shrub native 1 22
Cocos nucifera niu tree
1 21
Gossypium tomentosum ma‘o shrub native 1 19
Pittosporum sp. o‘awa tree native 150 15
Charpentiera sp. apala tree native 110 12
Myoporum sandwicense naio tree native 1 12
Palm sp. tree ? nil 12
Nototrichium sp. kulu‘¯ı shrub-tree native 1 11
Psychotria sp. opiko tree native 15 9
Pandanus tectorius hala tree native 1 8
Cheirodendron sp. ‘¯olapa tree native 310 5
Pteridophyta fern ? 0 5
Wikstroemia sp. ‘¯akia shrub-tree native 3 5
Scaevola sericea naupaka shrub native 1 5
Pinus sp. tree alien 0 5
Myrsine sp. olea shrub-tree native 215 3
Ilex anomala awa‘u tree native 50 3
Pteridophyta fern ? 0 2
Lagenaria siceraria vine
0 2
Continued on next page
Table 2: Summary of identified wood charcoal taxa
Taxon Name Habit Origin Low range
Senna sp. tree ? 5 2
Hibiscus sp. aloalo shrub native 70 2
Elevation in meters above mean sea level.
The conventional
C ages of the 35 fire-pits are listed in table 3 and illustrated
graphically in figure 2, which displays a panel for fire-pits at the northern end of the
Waim¯analo Plain near the boundary with Kailua Ahupua‘a and another panel for fire-
pits near Puh¯a Stream. In the past, a failure to correct for the potential effects of
in-built age by dating pieces of unidentified wood charcoal has yielded dates that are
not archaeologically interpretable (Dye and Pantaleo 2010; Dye 2000). In contrast, the
35 fire-pit use events have been dated relatively precisely using identified, short-lived
taxa to minimize in-built age. The dates returned by the dating laboratory range from
60 at fire-pit 900 21 to 720
4 at fire-pit 900 22. Three fire-pits returned median
dates: fire-pit 900 14 with a date of 310
60, fire-pit 900 26 with a date of 310
40, and
fire-pit 308 175 with a date of 310 ± 30.
3 Structuration
The second stage of the analysis, called structuration, refers to an abstraction of a quality,
which is then used to classify and/or measure the acquired materials. In the present case,
identification of wood charcoal to botanical taxon during the acquisition stage makes it
possible to classify the materials based on qualities of the taxa observed by botanists.
The particular qualities used in this analysis are habit, origin, and elevational distribution.
These qualities and the classifications based on them are described below, followed by a
series of maps and graphs that show their distribution over space and time.
3.1 Firewood Habit
Botanists use the term habit to describe the general appearance, growth form, or
architecture of a plant. The classification used here assigns the identified taxa to one of
six habits: tree, shrub-tree, shrub, vine, grass, or fern. Trees are perennial woody plants
with a single main stem, or trunk, typically taller than 5–6 m (meter) at maturity. Shrubs
have multiple stems and are shorter than trees, typically under 5–6 m. Shrub-trees are
plants whose form can take on the characteristics of either a shrub or a tree. A vine
is a plant with a climbing stem or runners. Grasses are plants with narrow leaves that
grow from the base. Fern is not technically a habit, but refers instead to plants that have
stems, leaves, and roots, but have neither seeds nor flowers. Ferns in Hawai‘i are typically
low plants the size of shrubs. The wood charcoal identified in the fire-pits includes 23
taxa classified as trees, nine as shrub-trees, nine as shrubs, two as grasses, two as ferns
and one as a vine. Two taxa were identified to a general level not diagnostic of habit.
Figure 1: Locations of sites on the Waim¯analo Plain.
A plot of the proportion of tree wood charcoal against fire-pit age shows a weak decline
over time (fig. 3). This result is similar to the one reported by Dye (2010), which was
based on the weight of identified charcoal, rather than the number of identified specimens,
and included information from the 26 dated fire-pits available at the time.
Maps showing the proportion of tree wood charcoal in the fire-pits (fig. 4) show that
tree wood charcoal is more common in fire-pits near the stream than it is in fire-pits at
the northern end of the plain. Most of the fire-pits at the northern end of the plain were
fueled with shrubs and shrub-trees; fire-pits with tree firewood are in the minority. In
contrast, near Puh¯a Stream most of the fire-pits were fueled with some tree firewood and
fire-pits that lack tree firewood are in the minority.
3.2 Locally-Collected Firewood
Botanists have also mapped the distributions of plants on the modern landscape, thereby
establishing elevational ranges for them (Wagner et al. 1990). Given an accurate topo-
Figure 2:
C ages of fire-pits based on dates from short-lived taxa. See
table 1 for the fire-pit labels and table 3 for
C dates. Note that the
C age is
represented on a continuous gray scale, only the endpoints of which are shown in the
Table 3:
C age determinations
Label Laboratory #
C age
119 7 Beta-260904 580 ± 40
119 16 Beta-260905 400 ± 40
273 58 Beta-307650 370 ± 30
308 159 Beta-307651 220 ± 30
308 163 Beta-307654 470 ± 30
308 175 Beta-307653 310 ± 30
308 180 Beta-307652 470 ± 30
900 1 Beta-251242 200 ± 40
900 2 Beta-251246 240 ± 40
900 3 Beta-251244 250 ± 40
900 4 Beta-251245 260 ± 40
900 5 Beta-251243 350 ± 40
900 6 Beta-246786 380 ± 40
900 7 Beta-251248 390 ± 40
900 8 Beta-251247 450 ± 40
900 9 Beta-120317 140 ± 50
900 10 Beta-120318 150 ± 50
900 11 Beta-120319 350 ± 80
900 12 Beta-120320 230 ± 50
900 13 Beta-120321 110 ± 70
900 14 Beta-120322 310 ± 60
900 15 Beta-120323 170 ± 60
900 16 Beta-120324 250 ± 50
900 17 Beta-120325 270 ± 70
900 18 Beta-120326 330 ± 60
900 19 Beta-120327 400 ± 70
900 20 Beta-120328 220 ± 50
900 21 Beta-101869 30 ± 60
900 22 Beta-101871 720 ± 40
900 23 Beta-101872 680 ± 40
900 25 Beta-111022 150 ± 40
900 26 Beta-111023 310 ± 40
900 27 Beta-111024 140 ± 60
900 28 Beta-111025 540 ± 50
900 29 Beta-200230 550 ± 40
graphic model of O‘ahu Island, and assuming that the firewood identified in the wood
charcoal was not imported from another island, the elevational data can be used as the
basis for inferences about the firewood catchment area for each fire-pit. The lower bound
Conventional radiocarbon age
Proportion tree firewood
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Figure 3: Proportion of tree wood charcoal over time.
of the observed elevational range for each identified taxon is also shown in table 2. Most
of the plants identified in the fire-pits can be found today at elevations similar to the
Waim¯analo Plain which ranges from sea level to about 10 m above sea level. Thirty-two
of the 48 identified taxa have lower elevational bounds in this range. Another ten taxa
grow down to 10–150 m and thus might have been found in the Keolu Hills adjacent to
the Waim¯analo Plain. Six taxa are found today only at elevations greater than 150 m
and these taxa must have come to the sites from more distant locations, the nearest
of which would be the slopes of the Ko‘olau range that mark the mauka boundary of
Waim¯analo Ahupua‘a.
When the proportion of identified taxa with lower elevational bounds less than 10 m is
plotted against the
C age of the fire-pit a clear pattern emerges in which the proportion
of locally-collected firewood increases over time (fig. 5). Before 400 bp, fires made solely
with locally-collected firewood were relatively rare and firewoods collected from the Keolu
Hills and beyond were commonly brought to the plain. After 400 bp it became common to
fuel fires using locally-collected firewood and both the frequency and amount of firewood
imported to the plain appears to have declined.
When the proportion of locally-collected firewood is plotted on a map of fire-pit
locations (fig. 6) it can be seen that there is no clear geographic pattern. Fire-pits fueled
with a high proportion of locally-collected firewood are found near Puh¯a Stream and at
the northern end of the plain. Similarly, fire-pits that burned relatively high proportions
of non-local firewood are found in both places. These include fire-pits 900 9, 900 14,
900 23, and 900 28 near Puh¯a Stream and fire-pits 119 7, 273 58, 308 175, 308 180 and
900 209 at the northern end of the plain.
Perhaps the strongest evidence for a local origin of firewoods comes from the spatial
Figure 4:
Proportion of identified wood charcoal from trees. See table 1 for the fire-pit
labels. Note that proportion is represented on a continuous gray scale, only three
values of which are shown in the legend.
Conventional radiocarbon age
Proportion local firewood
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Figure 5: Proportion of locally-collected firewood over time.
distribution of hau. The hau tree, which today grows thickly along the banks of Puh¯a
Stream, is found almost exclusively in fire-pits near the stream (fig. 7). Twelve of the 19
fire-pits close to the stream yielded pieces of hau wood charcoal. In contrast, only one of
the 16 fire-pits at the northern end of the Waim¯analo Plain, fire-pit 308 175, yielded hau
wood charcoal. This evidence suggests that the catchment area for firewoods is typically
small, within a few minutes walk of the fire-pit.
3.3 Polynesian Introductions Used as Firewood
The identified taxa can also be distinguished by the origin of the plant. The recovered
materials include thirty-four native plants that botanists believe to be endemic or
indigenous to the islands. Seven of the taxa are Polynesian introductions that on present
archaeological evidence were brought to the islands from the Eastern Polynesian homeland
over a period of three or four centuries (Dye 2011). The Polynesian introductions in the
fire-wood charcoal include: i) the candlenut tree, kukui; ii) ti plant, ki; iii) breadfruit
tree, ‘ulu; iv) mountain apple tree, ‘¯ohi‘a ‘ai; v) coconut palm, niu; vi) sugar cane, o;
and vii) bottle gourd, ‘ipu. Pine wood is the lone alien taxon identified in the material
from the fire-pits. It likely represents driftwood from the northwest coast of America
(Strong and Skolmen 1963) that washed up on the beach near Site 50–80–15–4853, where
the pine wood charcoal was recovered.
A plot of the proportion of Polynesian-introduced taxa against the
C age of the
fire-pit indicates that the use of Polynesian-introduced taxa as firewood increased over
time (fig. 8). Here, the proportion of Polynesian-introduced taxa is based on specimens
identified as wood and excludes the nutshells of kukui. Before 400 bp, Polynesian-
Figure 6:
Proportion of identified wood charcoal collected locally near the fire-pit. See
table 1 for the fire-pit labels. Note that proportion is represented on a continuous gray
scale, only three values of which are shown in the legend.
Figure 7:
Distribution of hau, Hibiscus tiliaceous, wood charcoal. See table 1 on page 4
for the fire-pit labels.
introduced taxa were relatively rare in the fire-pits, typically less than 10 percent of the
identified specimens. Afer 400 bp, wood from Polynesian introductions frequently made
up the majority of identified firewood.
Conventional radiocarbon age
Proportion introduced taxa
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Figure 8: Proportion of Polynesian introductions over time.
When the proportion of Polynesian-introduced taxa is plotted on a map of fire-pit
locations (fig. 9) a clear geographic pattern emerges. Most of the fire-pits near the stream
yield relatively high proportions of Polynesian-introduced taxa. In contrast, fire-pits at
the northern end of the plain are typically fueled primarily with native taxa and the
incidence of Polynesian-introduced taxa is relatively rare.
4 Reconstitution
The final stage of analysis, called reconstitution, refers to a reason behind the structuration
that inheres in the relationship between the results of acquisition and some phenomenon
outside the acquired materials. The outside phenomenon might be a scientific law, or
an historical explanation based on human intention and motivation. The goal of the
reconstitution presented here is to propose changing patterns of behavior to account for
the observed structure in the data and to situate these within the context of traditional
Hawaiian social organization.
In a recent article, Dye (2010) compared the firewoods identified in fire-pits on the
Waim¯analo Plain with firewood identified from fire-pits on the elite Maui Island sites
of Hale Ki‘i and Pihana Heiau (Kolb and Murakami 1994). Dye found that fire-pits
on the Waim¯analo Plain relied on shrubs and shrub-trees for firewood more than did
the fire-pits from the elite Maui Island sites, which were rich in tree wood charcoal. He
plotted the proportion of tree wood charcoal over time in the Waim¯analo Plain fire-pits
Figure 9:
Proportion of identified wood charcoal from Polynesian-introduced taxa. See
table 1 for the fire-pit labels. Note that proportion is represented on a continuous gray
scale, only three values of which are shown in the legend.
and found evidence for a decline. This was explained as a consequence of the breakdown
of traditional Polynesian lineage organization and a concomitant rise in the authority
of ali‘i, one result of which was a restriction in the ability of maka‘¯ainana to gain free
access to forests and tree firewood.
The decline over time in use of tree firewood is still evident with the augmented data
set of fire-pits analyzed here. The hypothesis that this decline was due, at least in part,
to a decline in the amount of tree firewood imported to the sites from inland locations is
directly supported by the observed increase over time in locally-collected firewood. It
appears that access to inland forests by people looking to collect firewood with which to
build fires near the coast declined over time.
The hypothesis that this decline was due to assertions by ali‘i of property rights over
firewood in forests, a practice documented in the nineteenth century historical record, is
difficult to assess with the fire-pit data. Coincident with the decline in access to inland
forests is a shift to the use of firewoods introduced to the islands by Polynesians and
presumably growing on the plain near the fire-pits. This appears to be an instance of the
replacement of native lowland forest, perhaps one deficient in good firewood trees, with a
landscape transported from the East Polynesian homeland of the Hawaiian people (Kirch
1984), relatively rich in good firewood. If this were the case, then the decline in access to
inland forests might have been because the wood from them was no longer needed during
the course of a normal day on the plain, rather than property rights claims of ali‘i.
Regardless of the cause, however, a shift in behavior is clearly indicated by the data
from the fire-pits. During the Early Period, prior to 400 bp, firewood was frequently
carried onto the plain from inland forests, where it was burnt with some locally-collected
wood. During the Late Period, after 400 bp, most firewood was collected locally from
forests rich in introduced taxa that had been planted and maintained by maka‘¯ainana.
Bayesian calibration of the
C age determinations from Early Period fire-pits and Late
Period fire-pits using the BCal software package (Buck et al. 1999) yields an estimate of
the boundary between the two periods with a peak in the mid-fifteenth century (fig. 10).
5 Discussion and Conclusions
The wood charcoal identifications from 35 fire-pits on the Waim¯analo Plain, which are
related to precisely located and dated archaeological events, reveal patterns of change over
time and space that can be associated with traditional Hawaiian fire-making behavior
and local vegetation change.
The ability of the wood charcoal data to yield information on vegetation change
augments environmental data from coring projects in several ways. According to the
interpretation of the fire-pit data developed here, establishment of a managed, anthro-
pogenic forest on the Waim¯analo Plain was accomplished by the mid fifteenth century.
This is quite a bit later than the forest changes documented in the pollen record of envi-
ronmental cores, which appear to have taken place very shortly after Polynesian discovery
and colonization of the islands (Athens et al. 2002). In contrast to the environmental
changes documented in paleoenvironmental cores, which are often dated by interpolation
Calendar Year AD
Early/Late Period Boundary
1450 1500 1550 1600
Figure 10:
Age estimate of the boundary between Early and Late Periods. The 95%
highest posterior density region is AD 1429–1537. The 67% highest posterior density
region is AD 1440–1480.
without estimates of uncertainty (Athens et al. 2002:61), it is possible to estimate the
date of the environmental changes recorded in the fire-pits relatively precisely with a
posterior probability distribution that carries information about the uncertainty of the
estimate. The temporal resolution made possible with the fire-pit data thus might add
detail and precision to the broad patterns established by pollen analyses.
The very small catchment areas indicated by the wood charcoal analysis, and the
ability to identify likely imports in the firewood, make it possible to track environmental
change at an extremely fine geographic scale. The catchment areas indicated by the
firewood data, which appear to be less than a kilometer, are orders of magnitude smaller
than the catchment areas for fossil pollen deposits, which include wind-dispersed grains
capable of traveling hundreds of miles from their sources. In the case of the Waim¯analo
Plain, efforts to establish useful plants appear to have concentrated near Puh¯a Stream,
where fresh water was plentiful, and to have lagged a kilometer away at the northern
end of the plain. This is a spatial resolution that other kinds of paleoenvironmental
investigation in Hawai‘i have yet to achieve.
Finally, in the context of this special issue of Hawaiian Archaeology, it is appropriate
to emphasize that the data analyzed in this paper were collected over a period of 15
years by eight different contract archaeology projects. The focus of these projects on
acquisition of wood charcoal identifications yielded a consistent set of data capable of
further analysis. This pattern of many small efforts coalescing into a larger result ought
to be a common one in the cultural resource management industry, but it will not happen
regularly until the industry lays aside the competition of the marketplace and warms to
the camaraderie of pursuing shared goals.
A Charcoal identifications
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
119 16 unidentified bark 16 0.68
119 16 Sida cf. fallax wood 16 0.24
119 16 unidentified wood 5 0.12
119 16 Chenopodium oahuense wood 3 0.04
119 7 cf. Canthium odoratum wood 28 8.41
119 7 cf. Chamaesyce sp. wood 13 2.09
119 7 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 4 0.18
119 7 unidentified wood 2 0.25
119 7 unidentified bark 2 0.27
273 58 cf. Canthium odoratum wood 14 0.6
273 58 Nototrichium sp. wood 8 0.08
273 58 Chenopodium oahuense wood 6 0.12
273 58 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 6 0.07
273 58 Chamaesyce sp. wood 6 0.11
273 58 unidentified wood 4 0.05
273 58 Nestegis sandwicensis wood 2 0.07
273 58 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 2 0.03
273 58 Sida fallax wood 2 0.03
308 159 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 28 1.43
308 159 Sida fallax wood 27 0.81
308 159 unidentified wood 26 1.14
308 159 unidentified wood 6 0.2
308 159 unidentified bark 6 0.36
308 159 Cordyline fruticosa wood 3 0.07
308 159 cf. Senna sp. wood 2 0.07
308 159 cf. Canthium odoratum wood 1 0.05
308 159 cf. Pteridophyta stem 1 0.03
308 159 cf. Chamaesyce sp. wood 1 0.02
308 163 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 32 1.27
308 163 Chenopodium oahuense wood 26 1.31
308 163 Sida fallax wood 18 0.55
308 163 cf. Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 17 0.64
308 163 Nestegis sandwicensis wood 15 0.58
308 163 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 14 0.84
308 163 cf. Dodonaea viscosa wood 10 0.4
308 163 Chamaesyce sp. wood 9 0.44
308 163 unidentified wood 6 0.2
308 163 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 6 0.44
308 163 unidentified wood 5 0.23
308 163 cf. Dodonaea viscosa wood 4 0.13
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
308 163 Cordyline fruticosa wood 3 0.23
308 163 Nototrichium sp. wood 2 0.05
308 163 unidentified wood 2 0.05
308 163 Nothocestrum latifolium wood 1 0.02
308 175 cf. Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 34 1.22
308 175 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 23 1.68
308 175 cf. Dodonaea viscosa wood 22 1.69
308 175 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 13 0.78
308 175 Chenopodium oahuense wood 12 0.63
308 175 Nestegis sandwicensis wood 7 1.07
308 175 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 6 0.37
308 175 unidentified wood 6 0.19
308 175 unidentified bark 4 0.15
308 175 Chamaesyce sp. wood 4 0.15
308 175 unidentified wood 3 0.07
308 175 Sida fallax wood 2 0.14
308 175 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 1 0.08
308 175 cf. Pteridophyta stem 1 0.04
308 180 cf. Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 21 1.17
308 180 Chenopodium oahuense wood 21 0.72
308 180 Sida fallax wood 14 0.5
308 180 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 13 0.66
308 180 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 10 0.23
308 180 Chamaesyce sp. wood 5 0.09
308 180 unidentified wood 5 0.1
308 180 unidentified wood 4 0.14
308 180 unidentified wood 3 0.07
308 180 unidentified wood 1 0.02
308 180 cf. Canthium odoratum wood 1 0.07
308 180 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 1 0.06
308 180 unidentified wood 1 0.03
308 180 cf. Pandanus tectorius twig 1 0.04
900 1 Sida cf. fallax wood 112 5.13
900 10 Monocotyledonae root 80 1.01
900 10 Monocotyledonae root 63 0.68
900 10 Monocotyledonae stem 21 0.28
900 10 Monocotyledonae stem 17 0.16
900 10 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 10 0.37
900 10 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 10 0.25
900 10 cf. Sida fallax wood 9 0.09
900 10 cf. Sida fallax wood 8 0.09
900 10 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 7 0.19
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 10 unidentified wood 6 0.11
900 10 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 5 0.06
900 10 Chenopodium oahuense wood 4 0.08
900 10 Chamaesyce sp. wood 4 0.08
900 10 Ilex anomala wood 3 0.11
900 10 Abutilon sp. wood 3 0.03
900 10 unidentified wood 3 0.07
900 10 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 3 0.09
900 10 unidentified wood 3 0.12
900 10 Pinus sp. wood 2 0.08
900 10 unidentified bark 2 0.03
900 10 unidentified bark 2 0.04
900 10 Chamaesyce sp. wood 2 0.03
900 10 unidentified parenchyma 1 0.02
900 11 cf. Aleurites moluccana wood 112 0.74
900 11 Monocotyledonae root 50 0.88
900 11 Chenopodium oahuense wood 42 1.83
900 11 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 41 4.19
900 11 Monocotyledonae root 33 1.5
900 11 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 23 1.73
900 11 Monocotyledonae stem 13 0.25
900 11 Monocotyledonae stem 12 0.17
900 11 Sida cf. fallax wood 12 0.53
900 11 Chenopodium oahuense wood 11 0.36
900 11 Bidens sp. wood 9 0.35
900 11 Bidens sp. wood 9 0.55
900 11 Abutilon sp. wood 9 0.58
900 11 cf. Syzygium malaccense wood 7 0.28
900 11 unidentified bark 6 0.1
900 11 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 5 0.16
900 11 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 5 0.06
900 11 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 5 0.1
900 11 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 5 0.14
900 11 Sida cf. fallax wood 4 0.05
900 11 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 4 0.16
900 11 unidentified bark 4 0.09
900 11 cf. Aleurites moluccana wood 4 0.09
900 11 Abutilon sp. wood 4 0.07
900 11 Syzygium malaccense wood 3 0.46
900 11 cf. Dodonaea viscosa wood 3 0.38
900 11 unidentified wood 3 0.33
900 11 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 3 0.07
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 11 cf. Psychotria sp. wood 2 0.01
900 11 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 2 0.03
900 11 unidentified parenchyma 2 0.03
900 12 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 385 18.64
900 12 unidentified bark 126 2.95
900 12 Chamaesyce sp. wood 91 3.11
900 12 unidentified wood 74 2.14
900 12 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 58 4.14
900 12 Bobea sp. wood 52 1.97
900 12 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 38 1.99
900 12 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 36 1.46
900 12 Sida cf. fallax wood 31 0.99
900 12 Bidens sp. wood 26 0.61
900 12 Monocotyledonae root 25 0.54
900 12 unidentified bark 17 0.44
900 12 Abutilon sp. wood 17 0.48
900 12 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 16 0.3
900 12 Chamaesyce sp. wood 11 0.51
900 12 Syzygium malaccense wood 11 0.41
900 12 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 10 0.31
900 12 Monocotyledonae stem 10 0.3
900 12 Monocotyledonae stem 9 0.15
900 12 cf. Bobea sp. wood 9 0.16
900 12 cf. Acacia koa wood 9 0.34
900 12 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 8 0.14
900 12 Sida cf. fallax wood 7 0.33
900 12 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 6 0.36
900 12 unidentified wood 5 0.19
900 12 Abutilon sp. wood 4 0.05
900 12 Monocotyledonae root 3 0.05
900 12 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 3 0.05
900 12 Acacia koa wood 2 0.12
900 12 Cocos nucifera nutshell 1 0.09
900 12 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 1 0.03
900 12 cf. Aleurites moluccana seed embryo 1 0.06
900 12 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 1 0.14
900 13 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 72 2.42
900 13 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 63 2.92
900 13 unidentified bark 27 0.61
900 13 unidentified bark 23 0.67
900 13 Chamaesyce sp. wood 20 0.64
900 13 Sida cf. fallax wood 15 0.59
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 13 unidentified wood 13 0.68
900 13 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 11 0.3
900 13 cf. Bidens sp. wood 10 0.02
900 13 Chamaesyce sp. wood 9 0.21
900 13 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 9 0.26
900 13 Monocotyledonae root 7 0.08
900 13 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 7 0.32
900 13 Bidens sp. wood 6 0.27
900 13 cf. Bobea sp. wood 5 0.31
900 13 cf. Bobea sp. wood 4 0.08
900 13 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 4 0.04
900 13 Monocotyledonae stem 3 0.04
900 13 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 3 0.11
900 13 Sida cf. fallax wood 3 0.26
900 13 cf. Scaevola sericea wood 3 0.07
900 13 cf. Gossypium tomentosum wood 2 0.05
900 13 Monocotyledonae stem 2 0.04
900 13 unidentified wood 2 0.05
900 13 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 1 0.01
900 13 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 1 0.05
900 14 Syzygium malaccense wood 111 5.82
900 14 Chamaesyce sp. wood 104 6.77
900 14 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 74 2.59
900 14 Syzygium malaccense wood 74 3.35
900 14 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 47 3.44
900 14 unidentified bark 46 1.66
900 14 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 43 3.2
900 14 unidentified bark 42 0.76
900 14 Chamaesyce sp. wood 27 1.08
900 14 unidentified wood 21 0.45
900 14 cf. Syzygium malaccense wood 17 1.19
900 14 unidentified wood 16 0.33
900 14 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 15 0.73
900 14 Sida cf. fallax wood 10 0.16
900 14 Sida cf. fallax wood 7 0.26
900 14 unidentified wood 6 0.32
900 14 cf. Bobea sp. wood 4 0.13
900 14 cf. Gossypium tomentosum wood 2 0.07
900 14 Monocotyledonae stem 2 0.03
900 14 cf. Acacia koa wood 2 0.03
900 14 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 1 0.08
900 14 Nototrichium sp. wood 1 0.01
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 14 cf. Scaevola sericea wood 1 0.01
900 14 unidentified wood 1 0.04
900 15 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 51 1.64
900 15 unidentified bark 24 0.2
900 15 Chamaesyce sp. wood 22 0.61
900 15 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 8 0.33
900 15 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 5 0.22
900 15 Sida cf. fallax wood 4 0.05
900 15 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 4 0.02
900 15 Monocotyledonae root 3 0.04
900 15 unidentified wood 3 0.03
900 15 cf. Scaevola sericea wood 1 0.01
900 15 Chenopodium oahuense wood 1 0.01
900 15 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 1 0.01
900 16 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 2988 92.76
900 16 Sida cf. fallax wood 32 0.37
900 16 Cocos nucifera nutshell 9 0.47
900 16 unidentified wood 6 0.05
900 16 cf. Gossypium tomentosum wood 5 0.07
900 16 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 4 0.04
900 16 Monocotyledonae stem 3 0.03
900 16 unidentified bark 2 0.06
900 17 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 90 2.9
900 17 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 74 2.52
900 17 Chamaesyce sp. wood 30 0.63
900 17 Chamaesyce sp. wood 28 0.83
900 17 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 25 0.74
900 17 unidentified bark 25 0.58
900 17 unidentified wood 23 0.66
900 17 unidentified bark 22 0.27
900 17 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 16 1.42
900 17 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 13 0.41
900 17 unidentified wood 12 0.3
900 17 Monocotyledonae stem 9 0.14
900 17 Monocotyledonae stem 9 0.14
900 17 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 8 0.13
900 17 Sida cf. fallax wood 6 0.1
900 17 Sida cf. fallax wood 6 0.08
900 17 cf. Bobea sp. wood 6 0.26
900 17 unidentified wood 4 0.07
900 17 unidentified parenchyma 3 0.08
900 17 Syzygium malaccense wood 2 0.17
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 17 Syzygium malaccense wood 2 0.05
900 17 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 2 0.02
900 17 Abutilon sp. wood 1 0.02
900 17 Cocos nucifera nutshell 1 0.03
900 17 cf. Acacia koa wood 1 0.01
900 17 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 1 0.04
900 18 Chamaesyce sp. wood 63 1.94
900 18 unidentified bark 46 1.09
900 18 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 43 1.12
900 18 Sida cf. fallax wood 38 1.32
900 18 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 31 0.65
900 18 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 30 0.78
900 18 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 29 0.48
900 18 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 26 1.27
900 18 Dodonaea viscosa wood 22 0.68
900 18 unidentified wood 22 0.47
900 18 unidentified bark 21 0.47
900 18 Sida cf. fallax wood 20 0.31
900 18 Gossypium tomentosum wood 18 0.39
900 18 unidentified bark 18 0.3
900 18 Chamaesyce sp. wood 17 0.49
900 18 Chamaesyce sp. wood 15 0.48
900 18 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 14 0.18
900 18 Abutilon sp. wood 14 0.32
900 18 Abutilon sp. wood 14 0.26
900 18 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 14 0.33
900 18 unidentified wood 11 0.2
900 18 unidentified wood 10 0.14
900 18 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 10 0.24
900 18 Aleurites moluccana wood 9 0.13
900 18 Artocarpus altilis wood 9 0.12
900 18 cf. Psychotria sp. wood 7 0.23
900 18 Sida cf. fallax wood 7 0.13
900 18 cf. Pandanus tectorius wood 7 0.2
900 18 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 6 0.07
900 18 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 6 0.25
900 18 Aleurites moluccana wood 6 0.07
900 18 cf. Dodonaea viscosa wood 6 0.22
900 18 unidentified wood 6 0.08
900 18 cf. Acacia koa wood 5 0.2
900 18 Abutilon sp. wood 5 0.25
900 18 Cocos nucifera nutshell 4 0.07
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 18 unidentified stem/root 4 0.09
900 18 Cocos nucifera nutshell 4 0.15
900 18 cf. Acacia koa wood 3 0.07
900 18 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 3 0.04
900 18 cf. Acacia koa wood 3 0.08
900 18 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 3 0.06
900 18 Pteridophyta stem 3 0.04
900 18 Bobea sp. wood 2 0.04
900 18 Dodonaea viscosa wood 2 0.23
900 18 Chenopodium oahuense wood 2 0.02
900 18 Pteridophyta stem 2 0.01
900 18 cf. Syzygium malaccense wood 2 0.04
900 18 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 2 0.01
900 18 cf. Bobea sp. wood 2 0.05
900 18 unidentified parenchyma 1 0.01
900 18 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 1 0.11
900 18 unidentified wood 1 0.01
900 18 Artocarpus altilis wood 1 0.1
900 18 Bobea sp. wood 1 0.05
900 18 Chenopodium oahuense wood 1 0.3
900 18 Gossypium tomentosum wood 1 0.06
900 19 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 156 2.92
900 19 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 30 0.66
900 19 Sida cf. fallax wood 24 0.3
900 19 Sida cf. fallax wood 18 0.44
900 19 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 14 0.41
900 19 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 14 0.52
900 19 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 13 0.35
900 19 Sida cf. fallax wood 12 0.19
900 19 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 9 0.09
900 19 unidentified bark 7 0.06
900 19 unidentified bark 5 0.1
900 19 unidentified bark 3 0.04
900 19 unidentified parenchyma 2 0.01
900 19 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 2 0.03
900 19 cf. Bidens sp. wood 2 0.02
900 19 unidentified parenchyma 1 0.02
900 19 cf. Chamaesyce sp. wood 1 0.01
900 19 unidentified wood 1 0.01
900 19 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 1 0.01
900 19 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 1 0.01
900 19 Chenopodium oahuense wood 1 0.02
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 2 Sida cf. fallax wood 7 0.09
900 2 unidentified bark 5 0.09
900 2 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 2 0.1
900 2 Chenopodium oahuense wood 2 0.06
900 2 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 2 0.04
900 2 cf. Acacia koa wood 1 0.01
900 20 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 23 0.8
900 20 Sida cf. fallax wood 19 0.23
900 20 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 18 0.56
900 20 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 14 0.48
900 20 Chenopodium oahuense wood 11 0.26
900 20 Sida cf. fallax wood 10 0.25
900 20 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 8 0.15
900 20 unidentified bark 5 0.03
900 20 Chenopodium oahuense wood 4 0.12
900 20 unidentified bark 3 0.03
900 20 Chamaesyce sp. wood 3 0.22
900 20 cf. Bidens sp. wood 1 0.01
900 20 unidentified parenchyma 1 0.01
900 20 Chamaesyce sp. wood 1 0.01
900 21 Palm sp. wood 12 0.15
900 21 cf. Saccharum officinarum stem 12 0.01
900 21 Chamaesyce sp. wood 6 0.07
900 21 Monocotyledonae stem 3 0.04
900 21 Sida cf. fallax wood 1 0.01
900 21 Cordyline fruticosa wood 1 0.01
900 22 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 24 0.65
900 22 Monocotyledonae stem 1 0.01
900 22 Cordyline fruticosa wood 1 0.02
900 22 unidentified bark 1 0.01
900 23 Colubrina oppositifolia wood 80 3.68
900 23 Nothocestrum latifolium wood 26 0.29
900 23 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 11 0.26
900 23 cf. Antidesma pulvinatum wood 7 0.34
900 25 Sida cf. fallax wood 106 6.22
900 25 Cordyline fruticosa root 96 3.58
900 25 Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 82 5.18
900 25 Chamaesyce sp. wood 35 1.54
900 25 Abutilon sp. wood 24 1.22
900 25 Chenopodium oahuense wood 23 1.71
900 25 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 23 1.32
900 25 cf. Saccharum officinarum stem 19 0.44
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 25 Bidens sp. wood 7 0.19
900 25 unidentified wood 3 0.24
900 25 Metrosideros polymorpha wood 2 0.08
900 25 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 2 0.16
900 25 unidentified tuber 2 0.12
900 25 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 1 0.03
900 25 cf. Aleurites moluccana kernel 1 0.01
900 25 Lagenaria siceraria rind 1 0.1
900 25 unidentified wood 1 0.09
900 26 Cordyline fruticosa root 35 0.79
900 26 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 15 1.35
900 26 Poaceae stem 12 0.11
900 26 Cordyline fruticosa root 10 0.22
900 26 Poaceae stem 4 0.03
900 26 Cordyline fruticosa root 3 0.04
900 26 Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 3 0.34
900 26 cf. Gossypium tomentosum wood 2 0.07
900 26 cf. Saccharum officinarum stem 2 0.01
900 26 cf. Saccharum officinarum petiole 1 0.01
900 27 cf. Cordyline fruticosa root 52 1.73
900 27 Poaceae stem 18 0.41
900 27 Cordyline fruticosa root 15 0.43
900 27 Poaceae stem 12 0.12
900 27 cf. Gossypium tomentosum wood 11 0.37
900 27 Cordyline fruticosa root 10 0.13
900 27 Sida cf. fallax wood 10 0.42
900 27 Sida cf. fallax wood 8 0.25
900 27 cf. Canthium odoratum wood 7 0.13
900 27 Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 6 0.7
900 27 unidentified wood 5 0.4
900 27 Poaceae stem 4 0.08
900 27 Sida cf. fallax wood 3 0.03
900 27 Myrsine sp. wood 3 0.37
900 27 Acacia koa wood 3 0.17
900 27 Chenopodium oahuense wood 2 0.07
900 27 cf. Canthium odoratum wood 2 0.16
900 27 unidentified wood 1 0.01
900 27 unidentified twig 1 0.01
900 27 unidentified wood 1 0.05
900 27 Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 1 0.19
900 27 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 1 0.04
900 28 cf. Hedyotis terminalis wood 46 1.75
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 28 Rauvolfia sandwicensis wood 40 1.9
900 28 Artocarpus cf. altilis wood 37 2.61
900 28 Canthium odoratum wood 20 0.96
900 28 unidentified wood 12 0.66
900 28 Nestegis sandwicensis wood 8 1.37
900 28 unidentified wood 7 0.09
900 28 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 5 0.21
900 28 cf. Cheirodendron sp. wood 5 0.12
900 28 Sida cf. fallax wood 2 0.31
900 28 unidentified wood 2 0.12
900 28 Hibiscus sp. wood 2 0.16
900 28 Lagenaria siceraria rind 1 0.04
900 28 Cocos nucifera nutshell 1 0.02
900 28 unidentified wood 1 0.01
900 29 Chamaesyce sp. wood 23 5.8
900 29 Pittosporum sp. wood 15 5.87
900 29 Myoporum sandwicense wood 10 1.64
900 3 Sida cf. fallax wood 24 0.98
900 3 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 5 0.15
900 3 Chenopodium oahuense wood 3 0.02
900 3 Sida cf. fallax wood 3 0.05
900 3 cf. Chamaesyce sp. wood 2 0.02
900 3 cf. Aleurites moluccana cf. kernel 2 0.005
900 3 Chenopodium oahuense wood 2 0.06
900 3 cf. Artocarpus altilis wood 1 0.01
900 4 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 11 0.4
900 4 Chenopodium oahuense wood 11 0.14
900 4 Wikstroemia sp. wood 5 0.1
900 4 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 5 0.09
900 4 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 4 0.17
900 4 Chenopodium oahuense wood 4 0.08
900 4 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 3 0.14
900 4 unidentified parenchyma 1 0.005
900 4 cf. Nestegis sandwicensis wood 1 0.01
900 4 unidentified wood 1 0.02
900 4 Chamaesyce sp. wood 1 0.01
900 5 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 23 1.02
900 5 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 12 0.65
900 5 Sida cf. fallax wood 2 0.05
900 5 Sida cf. fallax wood 2 0.07
900 5 Sida cf. fallax wood 1 0.06
900 5 Chamaesyce sp. wood 1 0.03
Continued on next page
Fire-pit Taxon Part Count Weight (g)
900 5 Chenopodium oahuense wood 1 0.02
900 5 unidentified wood 1 0.04
900 5 Chenopodium oahuense wood 1 0.06
900 6 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 37 2.32
900 6 Sida cf. fallax wood 30 1.09
900 6 unidentified wood 6 0.14
900 6 Aleurites moluccana cf. kernel 2 0.03
900 6 Chenopodium oahuense wood 1 0.03
900 6 cf. Cocos nucifera wood 1 0.03
900 7 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 11 0.54
900 7 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 8 0.31
900 7 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 5 0.1
900 7 Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 4 0.18
900 7 Aleurites moluccana nutshell 1 0.05
900 8 Diospyros sandwicensis wood 26 1.55
900 8 cf. Osteomeles anthyllidifolia wood 18 0.64
900 8 Cordyline fruticosa wood 5 0.12
900 8 unidentified wood 4 0.16
900 8 Myoporum sandwicense wood 2 0.49
900 9 Monocotyledonae root 89 1.64
900 9 Monocotyledonae root 72 0.67
900 9 Monocotyledonae stem 51 0.58
900 9 Monocotyledonae stem 22 0.28
900 9 Sida cf. fallax wood 12 0.21
900 9 Charpentiera sp. wood 9 0.09
900 9 Sida cf. fallax wood 4 0.04
900 9 Abutilon sp. stem 3 0.1
900 9 Charpentiera sp. wood 3 0.23
900 9 Pinus sp. wood 3 0.21
900 9 Hibiscus tiliaceus wood 2 0.03
900 9 unidentified bark 2 0.02
anthropogenic Of, relating to, or involving the impact of man on nature.
coconut The palm, Cocos nucifera.
context A unit of stratification associated with a natural or cultural process or event.
Material produced by the disintegration and weathering of rocks that has been
moved from its site of origin, or a deposit of such material.
Of, or relating to, or dealing with phenomena as they occur or change over a
period of time. See also synchronic.
Any sediment deposited by any agent so as to fill or partly fill a valley, sink, or other
A pit of varying depth, often bowl shaped at the base, usually identified by
a concentration of charcoal and/or burned material in the fill, especially at the
feature interface.
An object of natural origin, such as a pollen grain, found in a geological or
archaeological context.
A botanical term used to describe the general appearance, growth form, or archi-
tecture of a plant.
in-built age
The age of a material when it was incorporated into the archaeological
mountain apple
The tree, Eugenia malaccensis, a forest tree to 50 ft. high, that bears
fruit resembling an apple. Traditionally the fruits were eaten both raw and pickled.
richness The number of classes in a collection or population, a measure of diversity.
Detrital material ranging in size from 0.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter. See also
A plant with multiple stems and shorter than trees, typically under 5–6 m. See
also habit.
Plants whose form can take on the characteristics of either a shrub or a tree.
See also habit.
The fundamental unit of archaeological investigation, a location that exhibits material
evidence of past human activity.
suitable dating material
An identified sample of wood charcoal, selected to include short-
lived species, twigs, or sapwood collected from a context that is in a clearly defined
association with a confidently identified traditional Hawaiian cultural feature.
Concerned with the complex of events existing in a limited time period and
ignoring historical antecedents. See also diachronic.
A perennial woody plant with a single main stem, or trunk, typically taller than
5–6 m at maturity. See also habit.
Hawaiian Terms
A native shrub or small tree, Dodonaea viscosa, with a variety of traditional uses.
The fruit clusters and leaves were used in lei making; the hard, yellow-brown wood
was used to make posts for thatched houses, spears, and bait sticks for fishing; the
leaves were used in conjunction with ala‘a bark and puakala root to treat skin rash.
Native trees of the genus Bobea. The wood was used for poi boards and paddles.
Its yellow color and wearability also made it desirable for the carved end covers
and gunwales of outrigger canoes.
A native shrub or small tree, Chenopodium oahuense. Traditionally the bark
of the ‘aheahea was used medicinally, the leaves were eaten as greens, and the wood
was used in fishhook construction and burned in fires.
Traditional Hawaiian land division, usually extending from the uplands to the
All species of the endemic Hawaiian genus Nothocestrum of soft-wooded shrubs
and trees.
Native shrubs and trees in the genus Wikstroemia, the bark from which was eaten
as a source of fiber and whose roots, bark, and leaves were used to narcotize fish in
saltwater ponds.
A member of the genus Chamaesyce, which includes 15 endemic shrubs and small
A native large shrub or small tree, Canthium odoratum, whose hard wood was
used to make digging sticks and adze blades.
Chief, chiefess, officer, ruler, monarch, peer, head man, noble, aristocrat, king, queen,
aloalo Native shrubs of the genus Hibiscus.
An indigenous tree, Pandanus tectorius, whose leaves were used for mat making,
canoe sails, baskets, and thatching.
hale House, building, station, hall.
A native tree in the genus Antidesma, whose hard wood was used traditionally as
anvils for preparing olon¯a fiber; a red dye was made from the fruit.
hao A native tree or shrub, Rauvolfia sandwicensis.
A native tree, Hibiscus tiliaceous, which was highly valued for a variety of uses:
the bark was used for cordage; the light wood was used in canoe construction, to
make floating containers, fishing floats, adze handles, fireworks, spears, and to mark
fishing grounds; the wood was also rubbed together with olomea to make fire; and
the flowers and the slimy sap were used medicinally. See also olomea.
heiau Traditional Hawaiian place of worship.
o‘awa A native tree of the genus Pittosporum.
An indigenous shrub, Sida fallax. Traditionally, the flower was used in lei making,
both the flower and the root were used medicinally, the stems of the large plants
were used as slats in house construction, and the stems of smaller plants were used
in rough basketry.
‘inamona Relish made of the cooked kernel of kukui mashed with salt. See also kukui.
ipu The gourd, Lagenaria siceraria.
kapa Tapa cloth, as made from wauke or amaki bark.
A native tree, Alphitonia ponderosa, whose hard wood was valued traditionally
for spears and tools; it was also used as beams in house construction.
A native tree or shrub, Ilex anomala. Hawaiians used the wood for saddle trees,
for canoe trimmings, and as an anvil for kapa beating.
Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum, was introduced to Hawai‘i by Polynesian settlers,
who cultivated it widely. The stalk was chewed between meals for its sweetness,
brought on long journeys to ease hunger, and eaten in times of famine; juice from
the stalk was fed to nursing babies, and used as a sweetening agent in medicinal
herbal concoctions; the leaves were used as thatching for houses; the leaf midrib
was used for plaiting braids that were made into hats; the stem of the flower was
used to make darts for a child’s game.
A tree, Acacia koa, one of the largest endemic trees in Hawai‘i. Wood used for
canoes, paddles, and surfboards.
A native tree in the genus Myrsine, the sap from which was traditionally combined
with charcoal to make red dye; the wood was used for house construction and for
making kapa beaters.
A member of the genus Bidens, which includes twenty native and three
naturalized species of shrub in Hawai‘i. Hawaiians used the young tips of the plant
to make a medicinal tea.
opiko A native tree belonging to the genus Psychotria. Traditionally, the wood of the
opiko was used to make kapa anvils and used as firewood.
The candlenut tree, Aleurites moluccana, introduced to Hawai‘i by Polynesian
settlers. The outer husk of the fruit or nut was used to make a black dye for tapa
and tattooing; sap from the fruit was used as medicine to treat thrush, and used
as a purgative; the hard shell of the nut was used in lei making; the kernel of the
nut was the source of an oil that was burned for illumination and also used as a
wood varnish for surfboards and canoes; the kernel was also chewed and spit on
rough seas to calm the ocean and baked kernels were mixed with salt and chili
pepper to make a relish (‘inamona); the trunk was used to make canoes and floats
for fishing nets; a reddish dye was made from the bark and/or root; a gum exuded
from wounded bark was used to treat tapa; the flower was mixed with sweet potato
to treat thrush; the leaves were used in a poultice for swelling and infection.
kulu‘¯ı A native tree or shrub in the genus Nototrichium.
A small native tree, Diospyros sandwicensis, whose very hard wood was widely
used as house construction material by traditional Hawaiians; also used to make
lei Garland, wreath.
maika Ancient Hawaiian game suggesting bowling.
maka‘¯ainana Commoner, populace, people in general.
A small native tree, Pipturus albidus, also called amake; the berry was used
as a laxative, a dressing for wounds, and a tonic for general debility; the berry was
fed to children to treat thrush; the bark was used to make tapa cloth.
manono A native shrub or small tree, Hedyotis terminalis.
A native shrub, Gossypium tomentosum, the leaf of which was traditionally used
to make a green dye.
mauka Inland, upland, toward the mountain.
A native tree, Myoporum sandwicense, with hard, dark, yellow-green wood. The
wood was used traditionally for the main timbers of houses.
A native low shrub, Scaevola sericea, from which the root was used medicinally
and the fruit was occasionally eaten.
The coconut palm was widely used in traditional Hawai‘i. The base of the trunk
was used to make calabashes and drums; the trunk was used to make canoes and
posts for houses; leaves were used for thatching, plaited to make baskets and fans,
and used to beat the water to scare fish into nets; the base of the leaf was used
to pound the banks of taro patches; the midribs of the leaves were used to make
brooms, string kukui nut kernels for lights, make shrimp snares, and as musical
instruments. The fruit’s fibers were used to make sennit; the shell of the fruit was
used to make bowls, spoons, and knee drums; the flesh of the fruit was eaten at
all stages of maturity and used in various dishes; milk and oil were made from the
flesh, the oil was used on the body and hair, and also used to calm water; the water
from the fruit was drunk.
‘¯ohi‘a ‘ai
The mountain apple, Syzygium malaccensis, a forest tree growing up to 50 ft.
high. Traditionally the trunk of the tree was used for house posts and rafters,
enclosures for temples, and to carve idols. The fruit was eaten raw or dried. The
bark was made into an infusion to remedy sore throats and a dye was also made
from the bark.
‘¯ohi‘a lehua
A native plant, Metrosideros polymorpha, that ranges in habit from prostrate
shrubs to tall trees and is distributed from sea level to 2,200 m elevation on all the
main Hawaiian Islands.
A native tree, Cheirodendron trigynum. Traditionally the bark of the tap root
was used medicinally, the wood was used in spear construction, and the leaves were
used in lei making. Also, the fruit, leaves, and bark were used to make a bluish
kapa dye.
A native shrub or small tree, Perrottetia sandwicensis, the wood of which was
used in conjunction with the softer hau wood to produce fire by rubbing. See also
A native shrub, Touchardia latifolia, whose bark was valued as the source of a
strong, durable fiber for fishing nets, for nets to carry containers, and as a base for
ti-leaf raincoats and feather capes.
The native tree, Nestegis sandwicensis, the hard wood from which was used for
spears, adze handles, rasps, and digging sticks; it was also a preferred fire wood.
apala A native tree or shrub in the genus Charpentiera.
The Hawaiian staff of life, made from cooked taro corms, or rarely breadfruit, pounded
and thinned with water.
The native shrub, Osteomeles anthyllidifolia. Traditionally this wood was used to
make digging sticks, spears, and a musical bow.
‘ulu 1. Discoidal, smooth stone as used in ‘ulu maika game; 2. breadfruit.
‘ulu maika Stone used in the maika game. See also maika.
A small tree or shrub, Broussonetia papyrifera, whose bark was made into kapa
cloth. The inner bark was used to make cordage, and the shoots were used to
treat childhood diseases. The leaves, along with banana and taro leaves, were used
ceremonially to wrap the bodies of ali‘i after death.
Before present, used in
C dating where present refers conventionally to the year
ad 1950.
Bellows AFS
Bellows Air Force Station and Marine Corps Training Area Bellows
(MCTAB) are facilities located on the southeast coast of O‘ahu in Waim¯analo. The
installation has military training and recreational facilities.
The gram, a derived unit of mass in the International System of Units, equal to 10
See also kg (kilogram).
The kilogram, a base unit of mass in the International System of Units, equal to the
mass of the international prototype of the kilogram, which is approximately the
mass of a cubic decimeter of water.
The kilometer, a derived unit of length in the International System of Units, equal
to 10
m. See also m.
The meter, a base unit of length in the International System of Units, equal to the
length of the path traveled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458
of a second.
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