RADIOCARBON, Vol 42, Nr 2, 2000, p 203–217 © 2000 by the Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona
Tom Dye
International Archaeological Research Institute, Inc., 2081 Young St., Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96826, USA. Email:
ABSTRACT. A comparison of radiocarbon histograms of samples controlled and uncontrolled for sample provenance and
composition factors indicates that differences are sufficiently large to influence the discrimination of alternative hypotheses
on the age of the important, early Bellows Dune site in Hawai‘i.
The importance of radiocarbon sample collection in archaeology to control sample provenance and
composition factors (Waterbolk 1971) is widely appreciated in the archaeological community (Tay-
lor 1987:105 ff). In the Pacific, McFadgen et al. (1994) have shown that the probable effects of
in-built age are sufficiently great to support fallacious inferences” about the chronology of New
Zealand prehistory. They compared
C histograms of 338 marine shell and 425 wood and charcoal
samples, and of 101 short-lived and 131 long-lived woods. In both comparisons, the sample type
with greatest potential for in-built age yielded a histogram with a relatively long, heavy tail extend-
ing back in time and an earlier peak. In Hawai‘i, where the shallow time depth of prehistory,
between 1000 (Spriggs and Anderson 1993) and 2000 yr (Hunt and Holsen 1991), is comparable to
New Zealand, archaeologists have often failed to control sample provenance and composition fac-
tors in
C sample selection (Davidson 1992). This paper identifies effects of sample provenance
and composition in a suite of
C dates from two sites adjacent to the Bellows Dune Site, with impli-
cations for tests of hypotheses on the age of this important traditional Hawaiian archaeological site.
The Bellows Dune Site is often cited as an example of an early Hawaiian settlement (Kirch 1998,
1974, 1985; Shun 1992b; Miller 1991). The
C chronology of the site is a matter of dispute among
prehistorians over the timing of initial Polynesian settlement of the Hawaiian Islands, with argu-
ments for a “long” chronology with settlement prior to AD 600 (Kirch 1974, 1985; Hunt and Holsen
1991) countered by arguments from the same data for a “short” chronology with settlement around
AD 900 (Spriggs and Anderson 1993; Tuggle 1997). An attempt in 1987 to clarify the site chronol-
ogy by dating archived wood charcoal samples, the results of which are partially reported (Spriggs
and Anderson 1993; Hunt and Holsen 1991), yielded ambiguous results. The site has been mostly
destroyed since it was last excavated in 1975 and there is some question whether archaeological
contexts from the site’s earliest levels are preserved. Given this state of affairs,
C dates from
archaeological contexts immediately inland of the Bellows Dune site provide potentially important
information with which to distinguish between the “long” and shortchronologies. In particular,
contextually secure
C dates that yield a calibrated age older than AD 600 would counter-indicate
the short chronology and provide strong support for the long chronology.
The Bellows Dune Site, designated Site 50-80-15-4852 in the State of Hawaii site numbering system,
is located north of the mouth of Stream on the seaward margin of the plain (Figure
1), a series of calcareous sand beach ridges and swales that formed as local sea level fell from a
mid-Holocene high stand of about +1.8 m (Fletcher and Jones 1996) to its present level by about 2000
yr ago (Athens and Ward 1993; Fletcher and Jones 1996). Two archaeological sites, designated Sites
50-80-15-4851 and -4853, are located inland of the Bellows Dune Site; Site 4853 is immediately
adjacent and Site 4851 is on the south side of Stream. Both sites consist of extensive, discontig-
uous, and somewhat variable subsurface deposits. The basic stratigraphic sequence at both sites can
be described as a series of three horizons. The surface Horizon I consists primarily of secondarily
T Dye
deposited sediments including traditional Hawaiian cultural materials, WWII-era construction fill,
and recently deposited aeolian sands. The composition, thickness, and appearance of this horizon
vary considerably over the sites. Horizon II includes intact traditional Hawaiian land surface and cul-
tural deposits. This horizon is absent in many places, and in others only the lower portion is intact;
both situations appear to be the result of sediment removal by heavy equipment. Horizon II lacks
internal stratification and generally does not preserve cultural features, which usually can be distin-
guished only when they cut into Horizon III, the basal Holocene deposit of white calcareous sand.
There are at least three sources of wood with high in-built age at or near Sites 4851 and 4853. The
heartwood of old trees growing on the plain might, at one time, have been the most ubiquitous
source. There is little information on the longevity of most native taxa, but it can be assumed that
many trees live on the order of 100 yr. Waterlogged wood is commonly found buried in and near the
banks of Stream (Athens 1988; Rolett 1992). Two pieces of wood have been dated, yielding
C dates of 770 ± 80 BP (I-16734) and 450 ± 70 BP (Beta-18237). Driftwood from the Pacific
Northwest (Strong and Skolmen 1963) that washes ashore at Beach (Hall 1839) is a
final source.
C dates on Pacific Northwest driftwood collected on the south shore of Hawai‘i
Island (Emory and Sinoto 1969) indicate the magnitude of in-built age from this source. A piece of
Douglas fir (WSU 424) returned a date of 470 ± 160 BP, and a piece of Western red cedar (WSU
428) returned a date of 1200 ± 325 BP.
Archaeological investigations at Sites 4851 and 4853 since 1986 have produced a corpus of 44
dates, nearly all of which are reported in unpublished proprietary or manuscript documents of lim-
ited circulation. Before 1997, 22 samples of wood charcoal were dated, most of which derived from
the general Horizon II matrix or alluvial deposits along the banks of stream and were not
securely associated with a particular cultural event. Samples taken from the Horizon II matrix con-
tain materials of a potentially wide range of ages, not all of which are related directly to human
activity. Sample material was identified in only one case (Beta-89698), and the material chosen for
dating was not a short-lived taxon. Thus, all of the samples dated before 1997 did not control for the
effects of in-built age. Since 1997, 22 samples of identified wood charcoal, securely associated with
burning events in small scoop hearths and earth ovens or with infilling of refuse pits, have been
dated. The identified and dated charcoals represent twigs, short-lived taxa, and nutshells selected to
minimize in-built age.
A comparison of
C histograms for the 22 samples selected to control for the effects of sample prov-
enance and composition and the 22 uncontrolled samples (Figure 2) reveals a pattern similar to the
one identified by McFadgen et al. (1994). The
C histogram for controlled samples starts at AD 1150
and peaks at AD 1600. The shape of the
C histogram for uncontrolled samples has a long tail that
starts at AD 160. The histogram peaks about AD 1490, 100 yr earlier than the histogram for controlled
samples. The long tail on the histogram of uncontrolled samples represents three
C dates, the two
oldest of which, Beta-25783 and Beta-31518, were collected from the banks of Stream. Their 2
calibrated age ranges (Stuiver and Pearson 1986) of AD 350–650 and AD 440–960, respectively, are
sufficiently old potentially to disconfirm the short chronology. However, neither date is securely asso-
ciated with a cultural event and both dates possibly incorporate materials with a high in-built age,
such as are present today in the banks of the stream. The third
C date in the tail, Beta-30891, cali-
brates to a 2
range of AD 770–1170 and would not disconfirm the short chronology.
In conclusion, suites of
C dates from two sites adjacent to the Bellows Dune site show the effects
of sample selection factors. These effects, which are likely due to in-built age and to the use for dat-
Effects of
C Sample Selection
ing of materials not directly associated with human activity, are sufficiently large to influence the
discrimination of alternative hypotheses on the age of the Bellows Dune site. The suite of controlled
C dates contains no evidence for traditional Hawaiian use of sites immediately inland of the Bel-
lows Dune site before AD 1150. The short chronology for the Bellows Dune site is not contradicted
by the dating evidence from adjacent sites.
Controlled Samples
Twenty-two samples of identified materials from Sites 50-80-15-4851 and -4853, selected to mini-
mize the effects of in-built age. Wood species identification by Gail M Murakami, International
Archaeological Research Institute, Inc. Wood Identification Laboratory. All samples associated with
Figure 1 Locations of sites 50-80-15-4851, -4852 (Bellows Dune), and -4853. Site locales based on
Tuggle (1997).
T Dye
a traditional Hawaiian cultural event from either the prehistoric period (pre AD 1778) or early his-
toric period prior to AD 1850 (Desilets and Dye 1998:97 ff). Unless otherwise noted, all samples
stratigraphically associated with Horizon II.
Beta-101868. 220 ± 40
C = -24.2
Sample identified as cf.
Sida fallax
, 0.09 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 3, Unit
BT-1. Collected and submitted January 1997. Feature 3 was exposed in a backhoe trench, where it
was “Vshaped in profile, 2 m wide and 0.9 m deep. Feature fill appeared “banded” (Addison 1997:
: Feature 3 interpreted by the excavator as a “refuse pit” (Addison 1997:25). Wood char-
coals identified from Feature 3 include 6 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa and
sp., a
genus alien to the Hawaiian Islands. Feature 3 was subsequently excavated by Desilets and Dye
(1998). This excavation showed the feature to be a depression or trench >8 m long, subsequently
filled in. Food remains and combustion related artifacts indicate that cooking was performed at or
near the feature. Identification of
sp. was interpreted as evidence that the feature “was in the
process of formation during the early historic period” (Desilets and Dye 1998:154–5).
Figure 2
C histograms of 22 controlled and 22 uncontrolled samples at Sites 50-80-15-4851 and
-4853. Samples calibrated with the s
= 100 smoothed calibration curve described by Törnqvist and
Bierkens (1994). Nonparametric 1s confidence intervals generated with an approximate bootstrap
technique (Efron and Tibshirani 1993:188). The y-axis scale, called intensity” by Stolk et al. (1994),
is omitted as unimportant in the comparison of histogram shapes.
Effects of
C Sample Selection
Beta-101869. 30 ± 60
C = -12.9
sp., 0.07 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 6, Unit BT-5. Collected
and submitted January 1997. Feature 6 is a “shallow depression with two distinct dark lenses” (Add-
ison 1997:29).
: Identification of wood charcoals yielded 6 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no his-
torically introduced or alien taxa were identified. The lensing in this feature is unusual for traditional
Hawaiian pit features in the region.
Beta-101870. 170 ± 60
C = -22.5
Chenopodium oahuense
, 0.19 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Unit TP-1, Layer II. Col-
lected and submitted January 1997. Sample taken from cultural layer near Feature 1,a pit shaped
depression with fill slightly darker” (Addison 1997:49) than the layer from which it was cut.
: The excavator interpreted Feature 1 as an earth oven based on its size and associated
fire-altered rock. Wood charcoal identification yielded 6 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no
historically introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Beta-101871. 720 ± 40
C = -25.3
Sample identified as cf.
Osteomeles anthyllidifolia
, 0.65 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1),
Feature 9, Unit BT-23. Collected and submitted January 1997. Feature 9 is a depression with
“heavily charcoal-stained fill” (Addison 1997:45).
: Identification of wood charcoal yielded 3 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no his-
torically introduced or alien taxa were identified. Feature 9 is buried by secondarily deposited mate-
Beta-101872. 680 ± 40
C = -24.7
Sample identified as cf.
Osteomeles anthyllidifolia
, 0.26 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1),
Feature 10, Unit BT-23. Collected and submitted January 1997. Feature 10 is a depression with
“heavily charcoal-stained fill” (Addison 1997:45).
: Identification of wood charcoal yielded 4 native taxa; no Polynesian or historic introduc-
tions were identified. Feature 10 is buried by secondarily deposited material.
Beta-101873. 320 ± 40
C = -21.8
Dodonea viscosa
, 0.45 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 16, BT-13. Collected and
submitted January 1997. “Feature 16 is a shallow pit feature with more charcoal than the surrounding
sediments” (Addison 1997:40).
: The dated specimen, a native species, was the only charcoal identified from the feature.
Beta-111022. 150 ± 40
C = -27.5
, 0.5 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 1, Trench 5, Layer IIC/2. Col-
lected 1997 and submitted October 1997. The Feature 1 pit, greater than 55 cm in diameter, was
filled with sand stained dark by charcoal and with numerous coarse-grained and vesicular angular to
T Dye
rounded pebbles and gravel, many pieces of which show evidence of alteration by heat (Dye 1998:
55 ff).
: Feature 1 is inferred to be an earth oven based on its morphology and the nature of the fill.
13 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa were identified in a charcoal assemblage collected from
the base of the feature; no historically introduced taxa were identified.
Beta-111023. 310 ± 40
C = -26.9
Sample identified as cf.
Rauvolfia sandwicensis
, 0.34 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 14 (Figure 1),
Feature 3, Trench 4. Collected 1997 and submitted October 1997. Feature 3 is a shallow pit cut into
the basal Holocene sand from the Horizon II cultural layer (Dye 1998:48 ff).
: The feature is interpreted as a scoop fire pit. Identification of wood charcoal yielded 5
native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historic introductions were identified.
Beta-111024. 140 ± 60
C = -26.8
, 0.36 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 14 (Figure 1), Feature 2, Trench 4. Collected 1997
and submitted October 1997. Feature 2 is a shallow fire pit cut into the basal Holocene sand (Dye
1998:46 ff).
: Feature 2 is interpreted as a fire pit. Identification of wood charcoal yielded 9 native and
Polynesian introduced taxa; no historically introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Beta-111025. 540 ± 50
C = -24.2
, 0.31 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 14 (Figure 1), Feature 1, Trench 4, Excavation
Unit 3, Layer III/2. Collected 1997 and submitted October 1997. Sample collected from a shallow
pit feature sealed stratigraphically by debitage from a lithic reduction event (Dye 1998:46).
: Identification of wood charcoal yielded 11 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no his-
torically introduced taxa were identified. Sample provides a terminus post quem for the lithic depo-
sition event.
Beta-120317. 140 ± 50
C = -21.3
, 0.25 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 1, Unit IIA2, Layer II. Col-
lected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Bowl-shaped Feature 1 measures roughly 90 cm in diameter
and is 20 cm at maximum thickness (Desilets and Dye 1998:111 ff). Feature matrix consists of very
dark gray unconsolidated calcareous sand with small amounts of bone and marine invertebrates.
: Identification of wood charcoal yielded 4 native taxa and
sp., a genus alien to the
Hawaiian Islands.
sp. is believed by the excavator to have entered the site as lumber, rather
than driftwood, an interpretation consistent with the age of the sample.
Beta-120318. 150 ± 50
C = -26.1
, 0.09 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 5, Unit IIIB6, Layer II. Col-
lected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Bowl shaped Feature 5 is circular in plan, measures 40 cm in
diameter, and is 12 cm thick at its center (Desilets and Dye 1998:161 ff). It contains small amounts
of bone and marine invertebrate as well as some thermally altered rock, coral, and charcoal.
Effects of
C Sample Selection
: Identification of wood charcoal yielded 8 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa and
sp., a genus alien to the Hawaiian Islands.
sp. is believed by the excavator to have
entered the site as lumber, rather than driftwood, an interpretation consistent with the sample’s age.
Beta-120319. 350 ± 80
C = -25.9
Aleurites moluccana
Chenopodium oahuense
, and
Osteomeles anthyllidifo-
, 3.04 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 9, Unit IIIA8, Layer II. Collected 1998
and submitted July 1998. Feature 9, round in plan and bowl-shaped in cross-section, measures 44 cm
in diameter, with a maximum thickness of 21 cm (Desilets and Dye 1998:165 ff). It contains large
amounts of coral, charcoal and thermally altered rock, with scant vertebrate and marine invertebrate
: A concentration of thermally altered basalt cobbles is located immediately north of the
feature. These cobbles are likely “oven stones” used in Feature 9, which is interpreted to be an earth
oven. Identified wood charcoal includes 12 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically
introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Beta-120320. 230 ± 50
C = -25.6
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, 20.63 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 13, Unit
IVA8, Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 13 is round in plan, 65 cm diame-
ter, and bowl-shaped in cross-section with a 19 cm maximum thickness (Desilets and Dye 1998:133
ff). Contents include bone, charcoal, marine invertebrate, thermally altered rock, 1 basalt flake, and
1 bone tool blank.
: Feature 13 is interpreted as an open fire used for cooking or otherwise preparing a variety
of marine flesh foods and possibly pig. Identified wood charcoal includes 14 native and Polyne-
sian-introduced taxa; no historically introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Beta-120321. 110 ± 70
C = -25.0
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, 5.84 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 15, Unit
IVB8, Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 15 is round in plan with a 50 cm
diameter and bowl-shaped with a maximum thickness of 13 cm (Desilets and Dye 1998:136 ff).
Materials recovered from Feature 15 include bone, charcoal, coral, unburned
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, marine invertebrates, and thermally altered rock.
: Wood charcoal identification yielded 11 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no his-
torically introduced or alien taxa were identified. The relatively small amount of cultural material
yielded by Feature 15 makes it difficult to infer a function for the feature.
Beta-120322. 310 ± 60
C = -16.8
spp., 7.85 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 16, Unit IVA, B8.7,
Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 16 is round in plan with an approximate
diameter of 65 cm and bowl shaped in cross-section with a maximum thickness of 12 cm (Desilets
and Dye 1998:138 ff). Feature 16 matrix is unconsolidated black calcareous sand and includes bone,
charcoal, coral, historic debris, marine invertebrate, and thermally altered rock.
: The feature is interpreted as a firepit used to cook fish and shellfish. Wood charcoal iden-
tification yielded 12 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically introduced or alien taxa
T Dye
were identified. The sample has a moderate probability of association with use of the feature, which
yielded some evidence of post-depositional disturbance.
Beta-120323. 170 ± 60
C = -27.5
Aleurites moluccana
, 5.25 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale
5 (Figure 1), Feature 17, Unit IVA7, Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 17,
only partially revealed by excavation, appears round in plan with an estimated 70 cm diameter, and
is bowl shaped in cross-section with a maximum thickness of 17 cm (Desilets and Dye 1998:140 ff).
Matrix is a very dark grayish brown unconsolidated calcareous sand that grades gradually to the
underlying basal sand. Material recovered from Feature 17 includes bone, charcoal, coral, a small
piece of metal, unburned
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, marine invertebrate, thermally altered rock,
and one basalt flake.
: A small piece of metal is likely to be intrusive to the feature. The feature is interpreted as
a small earth oven. Wood charcoal identification yielded 9 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa;
no historically introduced or alien taxa were identified in the assemblage.
Beta-120324. 250 ± 50
C = -25.2
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, 37.27 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 18, Unit
IVC7, Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 18 is oblong in plan and measures
45 cm along its major axis and 25 cm along its minor axis (Desilets and Dye 1998:142 ff). It is
bowl-shaped in cross-section with a 6 cm maximum thickness. Feature 18 contains bone, charcoal,
coral, a large amount of unburned
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, marine invertebrate, and thermally
altered rock.
: The feature is interpreted as an earth oven in which coral was the dominant “oven stone.”
Wood charcoal identification yielded 5 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically intro-
duced taxa were identified.
Beta-120325. 270 ± 70
C = -25.2
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, 5.42 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 19, Unit
IVC7, Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 19 is oblong in plan and trends to
the northeast along its 67 cm major axis (Desilets and Dye 1998:144 ff). In cross-section, the feature
is bowl-shaped with a maximum thickness of 15 cm. Matrix is a very dark gray unconsolidated cal-
careous sand with bone, charcoal, coral, marine invertebrate, thermally altered rock, one basalt flake,
and a waterworn pebble.
: The feature is interpreted as an open firepit. Wood charcoal identification yielded 12
native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Beta-120326. 330 ± 60
C = -14.0
Aleurites moluccana
, 5.28 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale
5 (Figure 1), Feature 20, Unit VA1, Layer II. Collected 1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 20,
partially excavated, is round in plan with some irregularity in its southwest portion and with an esti-
mated diameter of 110 cm (Desilets and Dye 1998:122 ff). In cross-section, Feature 20 is irregularly
bowl-shaped with a maximum thickness of 26 cm. Feature matrix consists of dark grayish brown
(10YR 4/2) loosely consolidated calcareous sand and included large quantities of bone, charcoal,
Effects of
C Sample Selection
coral, lithic debitage,
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, marine invertebrate, thermally altered rock, and
traditional artifacts.
: Feature 20 is interpreted as a trash pit associated with... cooking” (Desilets and Dye
Beta-120327. 400 ± 70
C = -23.0
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, 3.99 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 24. Collected
1998 and submitted July 1998. Feature 24 was identified in the wall of a utility trench. It is bowl
shaped in cross-section with an approximate maximum thickness of 13 cm. Based on the visible pro-
file, the feature has a diameter in excess of 45 cm. Materials recovered from Feature 24 include char-
coal, a very small amount of waterworn and unidentified marine invertebrate, and a bit of thermally
altered rock.
: The feature is interpreted as a fire pit. The identified wood charcoal includes 7 native and
Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Beta-120328. 220 ± 50
C = -25.5
, 0.23 g, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 5 (Figure 1), Feature 25. Collected 1998 and sub-
mitted July 1998. Feature 25 was identified in the wall of a utility trench. It is bowl-shaped in
cross-section with an approximate thickness of 22 cm and diameter in excess of 60 cm. Materials
recovered from Feature 25 include thermally altered rock, bone fragments, and charcoal.
: The size, shape, and contents of Feature 25 suggest that it functioned as an earth oven.
The identified wood charcoal includes 7 native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically
introduced or alien taxa were identified.
Uncontrolled Samples
Twenty-two wood charcoal samples on unidentified materials and/or unassociated with a cultural
event. The Layer designations in the descriptions follow the source documents, which reflect local
stratigraphic sequences. Samples are stratigraphically associated with Horizon II unless otherwise
Beta-18237. 450 ± 70
C = -27.7
Unidentified partially carbonized wood, 114.5 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 7 (Figure 1), Unit
ST-20, Layer III, 110-116 cm bs. Collected 1986 and submitted October 1986. Sample from a log
that was deposited on a light gray, very fine sand and covered with very dark gray clay, approxi-
mately 15 m from Stream (Athens 1988:65,97–8).
: The excavator interpreted the sample date as evidence for human use of the region. The
sample was not associated with a cultural event. The stratigraphy of Unit ST-20 reflects alluvial
deposition along Stream rather than the sequence of horizons described above. Date provides
an indication of the potential in-built age of waterlogged wood at Site 4851 (see also I-16,688).
Beta-19043A. 420 ± 60
C = -30.9
Unidentified wood charcoal, 23.5 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 7 (Figure 1), Unit TP-4, Layer III.
Collected 1986 and submitted December, 1986. Dispersed charcoal taken from the periphery of a
T Dye
pickleweed marsh adjacent to Stream (Athens 1988:58–63,65). Layer III contained preserved
wood and cultural material in a waterlogged environment.
: The excavator interpreted the sample as associated with natural “infilling of what was
formerly a marine embayment or estuary(Athens 1988:62). It was not associated with a cultural
feature. Layer III reflects alluvial deposition along Stream rather than the sequence of horizons
described above.
: The dating laboratory assigned Beta-19043 to 2 samples (see Beta-24362).
Beta-24362. 250 ± 50
C = -22.8
Unidentified wood charcoal, 18.8 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 3 (Figure 1), Unit TP-2, Layer IV/
2. Collected 1986 and submitted December 1987. Sample from dispersed charcoal within the cul-
tural layer.
: Not associated with a cultural event. Charcoal from the layer (not dated) was identified
and included mango, an early 19th century introduction to the Hawaiian Islands. A second sample
(Beta-19043B, see Beta-19043A) collected from a probable hearth feature with abundant charcoal”
(Athens 1988:54) near the provenience of Beta-24362 was more active than the modern standard
(Athens 1988:56).
Beta-25783. 1540 ± 80
C = -12.8
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 2 (Figure 1). Collected 22 Feb 1988.
: Sample taken from “a probable prehistoric oven” (Streck and Watanabe 1988:5) exposed
in the bank of Stream. There are few contextual details for this early date.
Beta-25784. 360 ± 80
C = -18.2
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 2 (Figure 1). Collected 22 Feb 1988.
: Sample collected from “a postmold feature” exposed in the bank of Stream (Streck
and Watanabe 1988:5). Few contextual details.
Beta-26702. 170 ± 80
C = -27.3
Bulk sample of
Aleurites moluccana
nutshell, and unidentified
wood charcoal, 6.7 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 3 (Figure 1), Feature 3, TP-5, Layer IV. Collected
1988 and submitted July 1988. Feature 3 described as a circular basin shaped feature filled with
fire-cracked basalt cobbles, charcoal, and midden remains. The feature was 40 cm in diameter and
20 cm deep(McNeill 1989:28). The feature also contained small flakes of volcanic glass.
: Identified wood charcoal contains native and Polynesian-introduced taxa; no historically
introduced or alien taxa were identified. Feature 3 is a rare example of a cultural feature preserved
within Horizon II.
Beta-30888. 240 ± 80
C = -23.3
Unidentified wood charcoal, 12 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 11 (Figure 1), Trench 15 B, Layer III.
Collected 1989 and submitted April 1989. Layer III described as buried A-horizon containing plen-
tiful midden and artifacts” (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:32).
: Sample not securely associated with a cultural event.
Effects of
C Sample Selection
Beta-30889. 440 ± 60
C = -26.0
Unidentified wood charcoal, 3 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 11 (Figure 1), Trench 15 B, Layer III.
Collected 1989 and submitted April 1989. Layer III described as buried A-horizon containing plen-
tiful midden and artifacts” (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:32).
: Sample described as coming from an undisturbed cultural deposit (Hammatt and Shideler
1989:58). Sample not securely associated with a cultural event.
Beta-30890. 730 ± 120
C = -24.3
Unidentified wood charcoal, 8 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 10 (Figure 1), Trench 18B, Layer III.
Collected 1989 and submitted April 1989. Layer III described as a gray sandy loam with well sorted
very fine sand and silt containing historic artifacts in upper portion. Contains fire-cracked rocks,
basalt flakes, charcoal and midden” (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:33).
: The excavator interpreted Layer III as an undisturbed cultural deposit (Hammatt and
Shideler 1989:58). Sample depth (135–145 cm) is below the reported lower boundary of Layer III
(115 cm) (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:33), but a profile of Trench 18B (Hammatt and Shideler
1989:38) shows a pit feature at the northern end that extends from the base of the cultural layer into
the sterile Holocene sand layer to a depth consonant with the sample depth. The apparent pit feature
is not described. Sample not securely associated with a cultural event.
Beta-30891. 1060 ± 90
C = -24.5
Unidentified wood charcoal, 5 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 10 (Figure 1), Trench 18C, Layer III.
Collected 1989 and submitted April 1989. Layer III described as a “gray well sorted fine to very fine
sand, top 10 cm compacted massive structure. Contains basalt flakes, shell, volcanic glass, charcoal,
midden” (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:34).
: Sample described as coming from an undisturbed cultural deposit (Hammatt and Shideler
1989:58). Sample not securely associated with a cultural event.
Beta-30892. 750 ± 90
C = -23.2
Unidentified wood charcoal, 5 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 10 (Figure 1), Trench 18C, Layer III.
Collected 1989 and submitted April 1989. Layer III described as a “gray well sorted fine to very fine
sand, top 10 cm compacted massive structure. Contains basalt flakes, shell, volcanic glass, charcoal,
midden” (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:34).
: Sample described as coming from an undisturbed cultural deposit (Hammatt and Shideler
1989:58). Sample not securely associated with a cultural event.
Beta-30893. 640 ± 90
C = -25.9
Unidentified wood charcoal, 5 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 10 (Figure 1), Trench 18E, Layer III.
Collected 1989 and submitted April 1989. Layer III is described as a white sand (Hammatt and
Shideler 1989:35).
: Layer description appears to be incorrect. Sample described as coming from an undis-
turbed cultural deposit (Hammatt and Shideler 1989:58). Sample not securely associated with a cul-
tural event.
T Dye
Beta-31518. 1340 ± 130
C = -25.4
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 2 (Figure 1), NW Quad., Layer VI. Col-
lected 1989. Sample collected from a charcoal concentration exposed in bank of Stream.
: Layer VI interpreted by the excavator as a secondary “alluvial river-bank deposit” (Shun
1993:5). Sample not stratigraphically associated with Horizon II. Sample interpreted by the excava-
tor as dating cultural activity upstream from the collection location, but is not securely associated
with a cultural event.
Beta-31519. 380 ± 60
C = -22.1
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 2 (Figure 1), Unit TU-1, Layer IV. Col-
lected 1989. Layer IV described as a light yellowish brown very fine sand with traditional Hawaiian
cultural material.
: Sample “retrieved from a charcoal lens” (Shun 1993:47) located just above the water
table. Also present in Layer IV were copper wire and small pieces of rubber, which the excavator
believed could easily have fallen in from the upper strata” (Shun 1993:34). Sample not securely
associated with a cultural event.
Beta-32226. 10 ± 40
C = -21.5
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 3 (Figure 1), Layer III, dark gray sediment
above Feature 5. Collected in late 1988 or early 1989 and submitted 1989.
: The excavator interpreted this sample, along with Beta-32227, as dating “the terminal
points of occupation (Shun 1992b:37) associated with Horizon II, and supporting the idea that
occupation of the site extended to the late prehistoric or early historic period (post AD 1778). Sam-
ple not securely associated with a cultural event.
Beta-32227. 690 ± 110
C = -26.7
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 3 (Figure 1), Fire-hearth feature 1A, Layer
III base. Collected in late 1988 or early 1989 and submitted 1989.
: Interpreted by the excavator as establishing the date of initial site occupation around AD
1300, and with Beta-32226 as indicating an occupational duration of at least 500 years” (Shun
1992b:37 ff).
Beta-36065. 440 ± 50
C = -20.6
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 11 (Figure 1), Unit TU 18, Layer III/3. Col-
lected 1989. Sample collected near a feature interpreted by the excavator as a “probable fire hearth”
in a portion of Layer III “with pockets of charcoal concentrations and fire-cracked rocks(Shun
: Although the sample was not securely associated with a cultural event the excavator
interpreted it as “material put aside from fire-hearth cleaning” (Shun 1992a:46).
Effects of
C Sample Selection
Beta-89698. 450 ± 60
C = -27.5
sp., 0.53 g, Site 50-80-15-4851, Locale 11 (Figure 1), Unit TP-1, Layer IIIc/8. Col-
lected 1995 and submitted January 1996. Collected from general matrix at base of cultural deposit.
: Identified wood charcoals from the cultural deposit (not dated) include 12 endemic,
indigenous, and Polynesian introduced taxa, none of which are historically introduced or alien to
Hawai‘i. The excavator interpreted the date as evidence for “pre-contact Hawaiian habitation”
(Erkelens 1996:19). The genus
contains a wide variety of forms, from low shrubs to
trees. Trees in the genus are long-lived. Sample not securely associated with a cultural event.
I-16,652. 270 ± 80
C = -26.0
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 1 (Figure 1), Feature Hearth, Unit I14,
Zone I. Collected 1990 and submitted June 1991.
: Sample collected from a feature interpreted as a hearth (Rolett 1992:Table 1). Few con-
textual details.
I-16,654. 240 ± 110
C = -18.7
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 1 (Figure 1), Feature Imu, Unit I9-H10,
Zone I. Collected 1990 and submitted June 1991.
: Sample collected from a feature intepreted as an earth oven (Rolett 1992:Table 1). Few
contextual details.
I-16,688. 230 ± 80
C = -29.0
Unidentified wood charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 1 (Figure 1), Feature Hearth, Unit H8,
Zone I. Collected 1990 and submitted July 1991.
: Sample collected from a feature interpreted as a hearth (Rolett 1992:Table 1). Few con-
textual details. The conventional
C age of this sample was misreported by the laboratory as 290 ±
80 BP, the value reported by Rolett (1992). A report of the dating process provided by Teledyne
Brown Engineering, indicates the correct age of the sample, which is consistent with the reported
value D
C =
28 ± 10.
I-16,734. 770 ± 80
C = -28.4
Unidentified waterlogged wood and charcoal, Site 50-80-15-4853, Locale 1 (Figure 1), Unit H9,
Zone I. Collected 1990 and submitted September 1991. The “materials analyzed... are not from a
secure cultural context, and may thus represent natural materials unassociated with the archaeolog-
ical deposits” (Rolett 1992:3).
: Date provides an indication of the potential in-built age of waterlogged wood at Site 4853
and is not stratigraphically associated with Horizon II (see also Beta-18237).
The author thanks J S Athens, R Cordy, M Desilets, T Higham, P V Kirch, B McFadgen, B V Rolett,
D Shideler, K Shun, H D Tuggle, and A C Ziegler for access to data and for helpful comments on
early versions of this paper. A Latham and M A Keenan, Teledyne Brown Engineering, provided
T Dye
copies of dating reports prepared by Teledyne Isotopes in 1991. Recent field research at Bellows Air
Force Station has benefitted from the support given by C S Streck and K Shun, US Army Corps of
Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division, and by J Simons, US Navy Pacific Division, Facilities Engineer-
ing Command. International Archaeological Research Institute, Inc. graciously supported the
research reported here. The author is responsible for any errors.
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