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Volcanic glass at Kualoa, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands: Paired technological and
geochemical sourcing analyses of an expedient tool industry
Nathaniel J. DiVito
, Thomas S. Dye
, Kawena Elkington
, JoLynn Gunness
, Eric Hellebrand
Elaine Jourdane
, Steven Lundblad
, Nicole Mello
, Peter R. Mills
, John M. Sinton
Honua Consulting, 4348 Waialae Ave., #254, Honolulu, HI 96816, United States
60 North Beretania St., Apt. 3201, Honolulu, HI 96817, United States
Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Hawaiinuiākea, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, 2645 Dole Street, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
Honolulu, HI, United States
Department of Earth Sciences, University of HawaiiatMānoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
Department of Geology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, 200 Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720, United States
Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, 200 Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720, United States
Volcanic glass
The results of paired technological and geochemical sourcing analyses of 1258 pieces of volcanic glass collected
during archaeological investigations in the coastal portion of Kualoa on the windward coast of Oahu, Hawaiian
Islands are reported.
Geochemical analyses by EDXRF and microprobe indicate most of the volcanic glass pieces recovered at
Kualoa derived from a source in the Waianae Range on the leeward side of Oahu. Also present are three pieces
from Puuwaawaa on Hawaii Island. Much of the rest of the material resembles sources in the Koolau Range,
however this is a common geochemical makeup that is widely distributed on Oahu and other islands in Hawaii
and precise sources for this material have not been identied.
Technological analyses of volcanic glass nodules, cores, akes, and debris indicate that volcanic glass from
each of the sources was brought to Kualoa as unworked nodules, a nding that supports previous conclusions
that Hawaiians enjoyed direct access to volcanic glass sources. A reduction sequence based on observations of
broken and whole akes and of cortex on the dorsal faces of whole akes with and without edge damage
indicates that volcanic glass users habitually chose larger akes for tasks that resulted in macroscopic traces of
edge damage. Smaller akes were either used for tasks that did not leave macroscopic traces of edge damage or
were discarded without being used.
Paired technological and geochemical sourcing analyses indicate a volcanic glass industry at Kualoa oriented
to the production of akes that were likely used for a variety of expedient cutting and scraping tasks by people
with direct access to unworked material from local and non-local volcanic glass sources up to 300 km away. The
picture that emerges from the paired technological and geochemical sourcing analyses is of a highly connected
society in which people traveled widely and enjoyed support for their productive activities with unfettered
access to sources of volcanic glass.
1. Introduction
Recognition that pristine states developed rapidly in Hawaii
(Hommon, 2013; Kirch, 2010) following discovery and colonization of
the islands around
AD 10001100 (Athens et al., 2014) raises questions
about the extent to which political development aected the quotidian
habits of commoners. Two lines of thought have developed. One views
the local ahupuaa community as self-sucient, self-contained, and
managed by a hierarchy of local ocials appointed by the king. This
managerial view of political development contrasts with a laissez-faire
view of the ahupuaa community as a tribute district where local o-
cials organized tribute collection and presentation, but were not
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (N.J. DiVito), (T.S. Dye), (K. Elkington), (J. Gunness), (E. Hellebrand), (E. Jourdane), (S. Lundblad), (N. Mello), (P.R. Mills), (J.M. Sinton).
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102117
2352-409X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
concerned with the quotidian habits of commoners.
Recent progress in the geochemical characterization of stone tools
and identication of source locations has produced results cited in
support of both views. The managerial view is supported by the dif-
ferential distribution of ne-grained basalt imported from Hawaii
Island among housing compounds of dierent size and complexity on
Maui Island interpreted as an example of political control over access to
high quality tools and their use within the ahupuaa community (Kirch
et al., 2012). The laissez-faire view is supported by the distribution of
volcanic glass from the Puuwaawaa source across political boundaries
on Hawaii Island interpreted as an example of direct access by people
from many ahupuaa communities to an important source of high
quality raw material free of political control (Putzi et al., 2015; McCoy
et al., 2011).
This paper presents the results of paired technological and geo-
chemical sourcing analyses of 1258 volcanic glass pieces collected
during archaeological investigations carried out in the 1970s and early
1980s in the coastal portion of Kualoa Ahupuaa, located in the
Koolaupoko District of Oahu Island (Fig. 1). The technological ana-
lyses identify a reduction sequence designed to produce akes larger
than 8 × 7 mm in size. The geochemical sourcing results identify an
important Oahu Island volcanic glass source at PuuKaīlio in Waianae
Ahupuaa, Waianae District, which supplied Kualoa residents with
most of their volcanic glass. In addition, Kualoa residents had access to
volcanic glass from the Puuwaawaa source on Hawaii Island, some
300 km away.
The results of the paired technological and geochemical sourcing
analyses are interpreted as supporting the laissez-faire view of political
development. Nevertheless, questions remain and it is recommended
that similar technological and geochemical sourcing analyses be carried
out at locations with well-dated contexts capable of tracking changes
over time in the chaîne opératoire for volcanic glass.
2. Volcanic glass studies in Hawaii
Volcanic glass artifacts were
recognized and reported by Bishop
Museum archaeologists in the early 1960s(Soehren, 1962). Since then,
archaeologists have carried out technological, edge-damage, dating,
and sourcing studies (see Supplementary Materials).
Technological and edge-damage investigations culminated in the
early 1980s with an elaborate study of 675 akes and 25 cores of
volcanic glass collected from seven sites on the leeward side of Hawaii
Island (Schousboe et al., 1983, 353). Qualitative and quantitative ob-
servations on 23 attributes were recorded with the aid of a 20× bi-
nocular microscope. Observations focused on details of aking plat-
forms, characteristics of scars on the dorsal face of akes, and edge
damage. The study concluded that volcanic glass was aked using
hard-hammer percussion (Schousboe et al., 1983, 362) in a reduction
sequence characterized as a continuum where initially hand-held cores
were eventually reduced to a point where a bipolar technique became
necessary for further ake removal (Schousboe et al., 1983, 362).
Cores were turned frequently during reduction, presumably to identify
or set up suitable aking platforms (Schousboe et al., 1983, 363). The
detailed study of edge damage left the authors unable to make any
denitive statements on the functions of the volcanic glass artifacts
(Schousboe et al., 1983, 368). The high cost/benet ratio indicated by
this result frustrated the authors’“hope that other archaeologists in
Hawaii will take the time to examine their volcanic-glass assemblages
with this perspective (Schousboe et al., 1983, 368).
Technological studies have contributed to sourcing projects that
interpret the distribution of material away from the source in terms of
trade and exchange. In these studies, direct access is indicated by the
presence of cortex on akes and by large akes, whereas movement of
used cores in down-the-line exchange is indicated by rare cortex and
small akes (Putzi et al., 2015; McCoy et al., 2011).
Hydration rind dating of volcanic glass was introduced to Hawaiian
archaeology in the early 1970s(Morgenstein and Rosendahl, 1976;
Morgenstein and Riley, 1974; Barrera and Kirch, 1973
), but the tech-
was criticized (Graves and Ladefoged, 1991; Olson, 1983) and
most Hawaiian archaeologists now regard it as scientic noise
(Tuggle, 2010, 177). A recent attempt to resurrect the hydration rind
dating of Puuwaawaa volcanic glass yielded dates that defy archae-
ological interpretation (Stevenson and Mills, 2013).
By the late 1970s, archaeologists working on Hawaii Island had
learned that hand samples of Puuwaawaa volcanic glass were iden-
tiable in hand sample (Schousboe et al., 1983; Reeve, 1983; Kirch,
1979). Early attempts to distinguish volcanic glass sources chemically
(Weisler, 1990; Olson, 1983) were followed by establishment of an
EDXRF (Energy-dispersive X-ray uorescence) facility at the University
of Hawaii at Hilo, which used the technique to distinguish Puu-
waawaa from unknown sources chemically consistent with Mauna Loa
and Kīlauea lava ows on Hawaii Island (Lundblad et al., 2013).
Fig. 1. The Hawaiian Islands with traditional district boundaries and ahupuaa names mentioned in the text.
N.J. DiVito, et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102117
EDXRF was used to establish that the proportion of Puuwaawaa vol-
canic glass in an archaeological collection declines with distance from
the source (McCoy et al., 2011). Later, a distance decay function was t
to the Hawaii Island data (Putzi et al., 2015).
3. Archaeological investigations at Kualoa
Kualoa is located at the northern end of Kāneohe Bay along the
windward coast of Oahu Island. It is the northernmost ahupuaa,or
land, in the Koolaupoko district. Kualoa is a small ahupuaa consisting
of a narrow coastal plain and a sandy peninsula, with steep clis tow-
ering above the landscape (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, it is famous in Ha-
waiian tradition as a sacred place, a symbol of island sovereignty, and
an established place of refuge.
The sandy peninsula of Kualoa where the volcanic glass pieces were
collected is today a public park owned and managed by the City and
County of Honolulu. In the mid-nineteenth century there were two
settlements in Kualoa, one near the beach on the north and another on
the alluvium adjoining the open water of Mōlii Pond. Sugarcane was
cultivated during the 1860s. After the sugarcane operation folded, the
land was used to pasture horses and cattle. When the rst archae-
ological survey of Kualoa was completed as part of an island-wide
survey no trace could be found of two temples identied by Hawaiian
tradition (McAllister, 1933). The volcanic glass analyzed here was
collected by City and County archaeologists in the 1970s and also
during University of Hawaii archaeological eld schools in 1977, 1983,
and 1984 (Gunness, 1993), primarily at seven locations that roughly
coincide with the locations of the mid-nineteenth century settlements
(see Fig. 2). The archaeological collections were augmented by a small
geological collection from dikes exposed on the east side of Mokolii
Island by Robert D. Connolly.
4. Materials and methods
Paired technological and geochemical sourcing analyses were car-
ried out on 1258 pieces of volcanic glass on loan from the City and
County of Honolulu.
Technological observations included: length, width, and thickness
measured to the nearest 0.01 mm with a digital caliper; weight mea-
sured to the nearest 0.1 g with a digital scale; formal classication of
the volcanic glass piece as an unworked nodule, core, ake, edge-
ake, or debris; number of facets; presence/absence of macro-
scopic edge alteration; completeness; and identication of primary,
secondary, and tertiary cortex; along with notes about the condition of
the piece and its possible interpretation (see Supplementary Materials).
Non-destructive geochemical analysis was carried out with a
ThermoNoran QuantX
EDXRF spectrometer at the Geoarchaeology
Laboratory of the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Data were acquired for
18 elements: Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y,
Zr, and Nb. The elements Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, and Nb most often exhibit the
best analytical precision with EDXRF (Mills et al., 2010). A scatterplot
of the concentration of elements Sr and Zr was used to identify clusters
and distinguish 11 compositional groups by eye. A principal compo-
nents analysis yields results that support the grouping (see
Supplementary Materials). The low cost and high throughput of EDXRF
analysis have made it a valuable method for revealing general patterns
in geochemistry within a volcanic glass collection. The results of EDXRF
analysis can be used to guide application of expensive, destructive,
and/or time-consuming techniques (Kirch et al., 2012).
Twenty-four broken and/or unworked pieces of volcanic glass were
subsequently analyzed at the School of Ocean and Earth Science and
Technology (SOEST) Microprobe Facility at the University of Hawaiiat
Mānoa. Data were acquired for SiO
, TiO
, FeO*, MnO, MgO,
CaO, Na
O, K
O, and P
. These data support and augment the EDXRF
analysis. They were compared with published analyses to identify
volcanic glass sources (see Supplementary Materials).
5. Results
The 1258 volcanic glass pieces in the technological analysis in-
cluded 58 unworked nodules, 3 cores, 609 akes with macroscopic
evidence for edge alteration, 522 akes without macroscopic evidence
for edge alteration, and 69 pieces of debris. Two locations yielded the
bulk of this material. The University of Hawaii eld school excavations
in area 2B-1 yielded 744 pieces of volcanic glass, and the surface col-
lection from Area 1B contributed 439 pieces. In contrast, the other lo-
cations each yielded between 2 and 31 pieces of volcanic glass. The
distribution of classes across the collection areas is relatively even.
Nevertheless, nodules and debris are more common in the excavated
collection from area 2B-1 than in the surface collection from area 1B,
and all three cores came from the excavations in area 2B-1.
The size of a volcanic glass piece varies according to class. Cores are
Fig. 2. Collections locations at Kualoa, with places mentioned in the text.
N.J. DiVito, et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102117
on average slightly larger than the unworked nodules. The mean
complete ake with macroscopic evidence for edge alteration is longer,
wider, and thicker than the mean complete ake with an unaltered edge
(Fig. 3). Flakes without evidence for edge alteration are close in size to
pieces of debris.
The size of complete edge-altered akes varies according to whether
the ake exhibits primary, secondary, or tertiary cortex (Fig. 4). The
length and width of akes with primary and secondary cortex cannot be
distinguished, but akes with tertiary cortex are shorter and narrower.
In contrast, thickness declines through the sequence.
A second dimension of variation is evident in the size relationship
between complete edge-altered akes with tertiary cortex and complete
unaltered akes with secondary cortex. Edge-altered akes with ter-
tiary cortex are longer and wider than unaltered akes with secondary
cortex, but thickness cant be distinguished.
A third dimension of variation compares the numbers of altered and
unaltered akes at each stage. Flakes with primary and secondary
cortex more frequently show edge alteration than not. In contrast,
akes with tertiary cortex more frequently have unaltered edges (see
Supplementary Materials).
Flakes were typically discarded before they broke. 894 akes in the
collection are complete and 235 akes are broken. Breakage patterns
vary according to edge alteration; akes without macroscopic evidence
for edge alteration are more likely broken than akes with macroscopic
evidence for edge alteration (see Supplementary Materials).
Geochemical source analysis indicates that some of the vitreous
material identied by archaeologists as volcanic glass is either not glass
or is not completely vitried (see Supplementary Materials). EDXRF
analysis identied 44 pieces whose chemistry is outside the known
range of Hawaiian rocks; these pieces likely include bits of burned
bone, burned shell, charcoal, and possibly coal. Microprobe analysis
identied one piecethe proximal end of a ake with tertiary cor-
texas metallic, most likely the Fe hydroxide goethite, a weathering
product of Hawaiian volcanic rocks. In addition, 2 of the 24 pieces
submitted for microprobe analysis are partially devitried, showing
evidence for incipient crystallization (Fig. 5). One of the partially de-
vitried pieces is the proximal end of a ake with macroscopic evidence
of edge alteration, and the other was a nodule that appeared to have
been used as a scraper but had not had akes removed from it.
The 1258 volcanic glass pieces in the geochemical source analysis
were divided into 10 groups by the EDXRF analysis. The collection is
dominated by Groups 9 and 4, which contain 638 and 535 pieces, re-
spectively. 36 pieces were assigned to source Group 8. Source groups 2,
3, 57, 10, and 11 are all small, ranging from 1 to 12 pieces (see
Supplementary Materials).
The EDXRF groups are distributed evenly among the collection
areas at Kualoa. The two large collections from areas 2B-1 and 1B each
contain volcanic glass pieces from source groups 311. EDXRF Group 9
is more numerous than Group 4 in each of these large collections,
consistent with its representation in the collection as a whole (see
Supplementary Materials).
EDXRF Groups 9 and 4 are each dominated by akes with and
without macroscopic edge damage. Group 4 has proportionally more
debris than Group 9. There are unworked nodules assigned to 9 of the
groups; only the sparsely populated Group 5 does not include unworked
nodules of volcanic glass (see Supplementary Materials).
The complete edge-altered akes assigned to Groups 4 and 9 dier
little in size (Fig. 6).
A specic source has been identied for 2 of the 11 groups dis-
tinguished by the EDXRF analysis (see Supplementary Materials). Mi-
croprobe analysis conrmed that a piece of volcanic glass from Group
11 derives from the distinctive Puuwaawaa source on Hawaii Island,
a result that lends further support to the claim that EDXRF analysis
condently identies materials from this distinctive source.
Microprobe analysis indicates 11 volcanic glass pieces assigned to
Group 9 as deriving from a single silicic glass source at PuuKaīlio in
the Waianae Range. One volcanic glass piece assigned to Group 9 was
identied as deriving from a basaltic glass source in the Waianae
Range, as were one piece assigned to Group 6 and another piece as-
signed to Group 4 (see Supplementary Materials).
Volcanic glass from the dikes on Mokolii Island would be assigned
to Group 4. However, microprobe analyses of glasses in Group 4 are
suciently dierent from one another to suggest at least 7 separate
volcanic glass sources, most likely in the Koolau Range, and at least one
source in the Waianae Range. Basaltic glass sources on other islands
might also have contributed material to the Kualoa collection. In ad-
dition, the microprobe analysis assigns EDXRF Group 3 to a basaltic
source in the Koolau
6. Discussion
Interpretation of the results of the paired technological and geo-
chemical sourcing analyses of 1258 pieces of volcanic glass from Kualoa
attempts to reconstitute the chaîne opératoire for an expedient tool that
is nearly ubiquitous in Hawaiian archaeological collections.
Technological analyses are best interpreted as a reduction sequence
involving small nodules of volcanic glass aked with a hard hammer
using both hand-held and bipolar techniques, in which the core was
turned frequently to nd a suitable striking platform (Schousboe et al.,
1983, 362). Flake removal typically yielded some debris along with
akes of various sizes. Macroscopic observation of edge damage was
used in the technological analysis to distinguish between akes selected
Fig. 3. Box and whisker plots comparing the sizes of 609 complete volcanic glass akes with macroscopic evidence for edge alteration, 522 complete akes without
macroscopic evidence for edge alteration, and 69 pieces of debris. Box widths are proportional to the number of instances. The notches in the boxes approximate 95%
condence intervals for comparing medians.
N.J. DiVito, et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102117
for use and those that were used for tasks that didnt result in macro-
scopic traces of edge damage or were discarded without being used.
This interpretation is supported by the marked dierences in size be-
tween the edge-altered and unaltered complete akes, where a strong
bias for large akes is evident.
Nevertheless, this interpretation is potentially tempered by the
possibility that edges might be damaged by some activity other than
use. In particular, trampling of discarded akes might produce edge
damage similar to that produced when a ake is used for cutting or
scraping tasks. The trampling problem has been studied experimentally
by archaeologists who have identied three variables that inuence the
probability an edge will be damaged by trampling:
(i) stiness of substrate on which the akes are deposited
(ii) density of akes in the deposit, and
(iii) ake size (Giord-Gonzalez et al., 1985; McBrearty et al., 1998).
Experiments show consistently that akes are more often damaged on
sti substrates such as loam, where trampling does not cause akes to
penetrate the substrate, than on softer substrates such as un-
consolidated sand, where trampling pushes akes into the substrate
(Giord-Gonzalez et al., 1985; McBrearty et al., 1998). The volcanic
glass collections from Kualoa were all recovered from deposits of
Fig. 4. Box and whisker plots comparing the sizes of 352 complete volcanic glass akes with primary cortex, 225 complete volcanic glass akes with secondary
cortex, and 319 complete volcanic glass akes with tertiary cortex. Box widths are proportional to the number of instances. The notches in the boxes approximate
95% condence intervals for comparing medians.
Fig. 5. Backscatter electron image showing partially devitried volcanic glass
with evidence for incipient crystallization; note scale bar in lower right hand
corner. Sample 4432211 is the proximal end of a broken ake with macro-
scopic evidence for edge alteration.
N.J. DiVito, et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102117
unconsolidated calcareous sand, a soft substrate. The experiments also
show that most of the damage caused by trampling occurs when two
akes come into contact with one another or when a ake comes into
contact with another hard object. Thus, edge damage from trampling is
relatively common at chipping stations where there is a dense dis-
tribution of akes and debris and less common in situations where
akes are sparsely distributed. In one experiment, densities ranged from
100 to 500 artifacts per m
(McBrearty et al., 1998, 112), while another
experiment used a xed density of 250 artifacts per m
Gonzalez et al., 1985, 805). At Kualoa, densities of volcanic glass ar-
tifacts are dicult to establish because collections in any one area were
typically made over long periods of time and in circumstances ranging
from surface collection after grading and grubbing to controlled ex-
cavation by eld school students. In any case, volcanic glass density
ranged from about 0.2 per m
in Area IB, which was graded and
grubbed and subsequently subject to limited test excavations, to about
12 per m
in areas 2B, 2C, and 2D where construction-related dis-
turbance was augmented with large scale excavations carried out by
university eld schools. In all cases, volcanic glass densities at Kualoa
were orders of magnitude lower than the experimental situations. Fi-
nally, the experiments demonstrated that akes longer than 2 cm were
fractured by trampling much more frequently than shorter akes
(Giord-Gonzalez et al., 1985, 807), especially on a soft substrate. Edge
damage to the shorter akes was extremely rare on both sti and soft
substrates (Giord-Gonzalez et al., 1985, 814). The vast majority of
volcanic glass artifacts from Kualoa are small, with only a few akes
longer than 2 cm (see Fig. 3). The diminutive size of these artifacts
makes them unlikely candidates for damage from trampling.
By all measuressubstrate stiness, ake density, and ake si-
zethe volcanic glass artifacts from Kualoa are unlikely to show da-
mage from trampling that might be confused with edge damage caused
by use wear. Thus, comparisons of the sizes of akes with and without
edge damage in the Kualoa assemblage can be interpreted as a result of
habitual practices of Hawaiian craftsmen who selected some akes for
uses that left macroscopic damage to the cutting edge, such as working
wood or bone, and either discarded others or used them for working
softer materials in such a way that macroscopic edge damage did not
result (Young and Bamforth, 1990; Shen, 1999).
The selection habits of volcanic glass producers and users can be
tracked through the reduction sequence by comparing the sizes of edge-
altered and unaltered akes with primary, secondary, and tertiary
cortex (see Fig. 4). Selection for length and width appear to have op-
erated more strongly than selection for thickness, as indicated by the
fact that edge-altered tertiary akes are longer and wider than un-
altered secondary akes. Flakes longer than 8 mm or wider than 7 mm
were typically selected for use, while akes shorter or narrower than
this were not selected. This pattern of selection might be expected for
an expedient tool industry, where a ake had to be large enough to grip
securely between the thumb and forenger. In this interpretation, akes
smaller than 8 × 7 mm were too small to grip securely for cutting and
scraping tasks. If this is correct, then a core of volcanic glass would have
been considered exhausted and ready for discard when it was no longer
able to yield a ake of this size.
The selection habits of volcanic glass producers and users also can
be tracked through the reduction sequence by comparing the numbers
of edge-altered and unaltered akes with primary, secondary, and ter-
tiary cortex (see Fig. 4). The proportion of
selected for use de-
creases through the reduction sequence. About 2 of every 3 akes with
primary cortex are selected for tasks that leave macroscopic evidence of
edge damage. The selection rate drops to 3 out of 5 among akes with
secondary cortex. By the time the cortex is removed, fewer than half the
akes show evidence of edge damage. The selection habits of volcanic
glass workers clearly illustrate the process by which a core was ex-
Another potential reason for selection of larger akes for tasks that
result in macroscopic edge damage appears to be the tendency of
smaller akes to break during use. The implication here is that volcanic
glass akes used as tools often broke relatively quickly, before macro-
scopic edge damage occurred.
EDXRF and microprobe analyses conrm the Puuwaawaa origin of
3 pieces of volcanic glass, one of which was identied in hand sample
and reported as the rst archaeologically documented evidence of
inter-island transport of what might be called a high-status consumer
good (Gunness, 1993, 58). The 3 pieces identied in the analysis is one
fewer than the 4 pieces predicted by the distance decay function
(Fig. 7). The predictive accuracy of the distance decay function extends
Fig. 6. Box and whisker plots comparing the sizes of 210 complete edge-altered akes assigned to Group 4 and 269 complete edge-altered akes assigned to Group 9.
Box widths are proportional to the number of instances. The notches in the boxes approximate 95% condence intervals for comparing medians.
Fig. 7. Distribution of Puuwaawa a volcanic glass away from the source. The
distance decay function is dened as
exp d(5.104315 0.035707 * )
, where p
is the percentage of Puuwaawaa volcanic glass in the assemblage, and dis-
tance, d, is measured as the shortest path in km from Puuwaawaa to the nd
spot. Sources: McCoy et al. (2011),Putzi et al. (2015).
N.J. DiVito, et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102117
its utility to instances of inter-island movement of volcanic glass across
political boundaries. The Hawaii Island data showed that volcanic glass
moved across ahupuaa and moku district boundaries, either by trans-
port over land or by canoe (Putzi et al., 2015). Identication of 3 pieces
of Puuwaawaa glass in the Kualoa collection show that volcanic glass
also moved across mokupuni island boundaries by canoe. The unworked
nodule of Puuwaawaa glass recovered at Kualoa suggests that vol-
canic glass workers at Kualoa enjoyed direct access to the Puuwaawaa
source, and were not dependent on down-the-line exchange for access
to this material.
EDXRF and microprobe analyses support the inference that most of
the volcanic glass in the Kualoa collection derives from a source in the
vicinity of PuuKaīlio in Waianae Ahupuaa, a distance of about 32 km
from Kualoa. Somewhat surprisingly, the distance decay function for
Puuwaawaa correctly predicts the proportion of the PuuKaīlio
source in the Kualoa collection. The distance decay function predicts
that a source 32 km distant should make up 52 percent of the volcanic
glass collection; the observed proportion of Group 9 glass at Kualoa is
51 percent. Assignment to Group 9 of 29 unworked volcanic glass no-
dules indicates Kualoa volcanic glass workers enjoyed direct access to
the PuuKaīlio source, too, and did not have to rely on down-the-line
These results suggest the distance decay function might be applied
to the distribution of volcanic glass from sources other than
Puuwaawaa. If so, archaeologists might claim evidence for a wide-
spread tradition of social relations unaected by development of state
political institutions (Renfrew, 1977). Because the PuuKaīlio source
appears to be reliably identi
ed by EDXRF, it should be possible to test
the distance decay function with other large volcanic glass assemblages.
7. Conclusions
The results of paired technological and geochemical sourcing ana-
lyses of 1258 volcanic glass pieces from Kualoa are interpreted to in-
dicate that the quotidian habits of Kualoa volcanic glass workers con-
nected them directly with resources well outside the ahupuaa
community. Development of a political hierarchy in the islands does not
appear to have inuenced these habits. If this characterization is cor-
rect, then Hawaii conforms to the typical situation in pre-capitalist
social formations in which leaders concern themselves with controlling
the ways in which status is acquired and how wealth assets are dis-
tributed, rather than the quotidian habits of common folk and the
distribution of consumables, such as volcanic glass (Rowlands, 1982;
Goldman, 1970). The picture that emerges from the paired technolo-
gical and geochemical sourcing analyses of the Kualoa volcanic glass
collection is of a society in which people traveled widely and enjoyed
support for their productive activities with unfettered access to sources
of volcanic glass.
This interpretation is tempered somewhat by the tradition of Kualoa
as a sacred place. A single paired technological and geochemical
sourcing analysis cannot establish the pattern of distribution away from
the PuuKaīlio source, and subsequent inquiry at other locations might
show Kualoa to be a special case where the high status of ahupuaa
residents entailed preferred access to resources such as volcanic glass.
Also, the Kualoa volcanic glass derives from poorly dated contexts that
frustrate the possibility of tracking changes in the chaîne opératoire for
volcanic glass. These questions about the Kualoa collection can be ad-
dressed by paired technological and geological sourcing analyses at
other Hawaiian sites with large volcanic glass collections from well-
dated contexts.
8. Funding sources
This work was partially supported by the National Science
Foundation [BCS-1427950] and by T.S. Dye & Colleagues,
We thank the following people, without whom the work reported
here would not have been completed: Michele Nekota, Director,
Department of Parks and Recreation, City and County of Honolulu;
Linda K. Liu, Department of Parks and Recreation; Teo Clemens and
Will Gardner, Kualoa Regional Park; Caleb Fechner, Pacic Legacy; and
Rona Ikehara-Quebral and Alex Morrison, International Archaeological
Research Institute.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
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